Release Notes - JS - JobScheduler - Version 1.10 - HTML format

Test Case

  • [JS-1353] - JobScheduler Universal Agent: API Tests


  • [JS-589] - The command <modify_order/> should work if there are UNICODE characters in the order ID
  • [JS-598] - Using Postgres JBDC drivers more recent than 8.1-415 doesn't work
  • [JS-732] - <show_order ... what="source"/> command returns no 'source'-element
  • [JS-733] - < what="statistics"/> has wrong counts in the order subsystem
  • [JS-951] - Strange behavior while JobScheduler tries to reconnect to the database
  • [JS-969] - start_when_directory_changed should work after the job was stopped
  • [JS-1059] - "alert_when_directory_missing" of <file_order_source> should send a notification
  • [JS-1169] - The status disabled for a job should be persistent also when disabling a job with modify_job command.
  • [JS-1331] - Missing message SCHEDULER-846, when running under agent
  • [JS-1368] - Verify JDBC URLs created by the installer 1.9.1
  • [JS-1370] - sos.spooler.Job.delay_order_after_setback does not accept floating point values when used under Unix
  • [JS-1381] - Avoid unneccessary creation of new ids for table scheduler_history when using a distributed job chain
  • [JS-1390] - <file_order_source> should not fall asleep after the first files
  • [JS-1391] - Resumption of "Avoid unneccessary creation of new IDs for table SCHEDULER_HISTORY when using a non-distributed job chain with a file order source" for use with the max_orders attribute
  • [JS-1392] - JobScheduler Monitoring Interface should provide the correct node name and error message
  • [JS-1395] - <job_chain_node.modify action="next_state"> does not work properly while the node is executing an order
  • [JS-1403] - Fix for JS-1251/JS-1285: Handling of duplicate order key in database failed if order log contains some lines
  • [JS-1404] - High CPU load for two minutes under Windows after a HTTP request to an Agent or the Supervisor
  • [JS-1411] - Allow JobSchedulerLog4JAppender to only log for SOS classes
  • [JS-1413] - JobScheduler email should have consistent timezone information in email header, body and attachments
  • [JS-1418] - Big Task log should not hang or crash JobScheduler in case of mail_on_error=yes
  • [JS-1421] - The <kill_task immediately="yes"> command on a shell task without monitor on classic Agent kills all children of the shell task
  • [JS-1435] - API call job_chain.add_job() fails
  • [JS-1441] - Provide working sample configuration for JobScheduler Monitoring Interface
  • [JS-1447] - Sometimes the jobscheduler_event.cmd doesn't store the event into the csv file even though the connection failed
  • [JS-1453] - JobScheduler crashes if a nesting job chain containing a permanent order is changed
  • [JS-1455] - API method spooler_log.start_new_file() deactivates the log category {scheduler}
  • [JS-1457] - Classic Agent may deadlock when starting multiple shell tasks at once
  • [JS-1460] - Add documentation for JobScheduler active checks with Nagios
  • [JS-1462] - CreateProcess fails with MSWIN-00000020 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
  • [JS-1463] - job timeout on a JobScheduler Master kills a shell task after the specified timeout
  • [JS-1470] - It should be possible to call the method .start in the job object without the optional parameter variable_set
  • [JS-1471] - The job chain node attribute on_error="suspend" should suspend an order when a job without monitor exits with error
  • [JS-1472] - GlobalMonitor plugin does not work with the cache folder as the live folder
  • [JS-1475] - When a global monitor is in the cache folder and in the live folder then it should be added just once
  • [JS-1476] - If all nodes of an member of a nested job chain are skipped the order should proceed with the next job chain
  • [JS-1479] - For the last job node in a job chain <copy_params from ="order"> does not work if default settings have been modified
  • [JS-1496] - SIGTERM on shell task with monitor is forwarded to shell process, in Universal Agent
  • [JS-1500] - JobScheduler Universal Agent interprets Shebang (#!) when executing unix shell jobs
  • [JS-1502] - The add_order command send using the security_server should provide params


  • [JS-736] - heart beat settings for cluster should be applied
  • [JS-1173] - <process.../> element in a job configuration is deprecated
  • [JS-1295] - <process file="..."> is deprecated
  • [JS-1306] - Use of SpiderMonkey Javascript language
  • [JS-1314] - Calling Enterprise Java Beans from a job
  • [JS-1315] - Running Java Managed Beans from a job
  • [JS-1316] - Communicate with JobScheduler from PHP scripts
  • [JS-1318] - JobScheduler allows individual start time function in <run_time> element
  • [JS-1333] - Retirement of JobScheduler built-in HTTP Server
  • [JS-1346] - Retirement of built-in HTTP authentication
  • [JS-1347] - Retirement of asynchronous JobScheduler Web Services
  • [JS-1349] - Retirement of plain TCP interface
  • [JS-1373] - JobScheduler allows to fallback to CSV files in case of a database failure
  • [JS-1384] - Enabling and disabling of jobs is deprecated
  • [JS-1402] - <file_order_source> based orders on the JobScheduler Universal Agent do not set the created attribute
  • [JS-1423] - JobScheduler detailed answers to XML commands
  • [JS-1425] - C++ JobScheduler Agent is replaced by JobScheduler Universal Agent
  • [JS-1428] - Deprecation of attribute remote_scheduler for file_order_source
  • [JS-1499] - XML command <license.use> is deprecated
  • [JS-1565] - Retirement of setuid utility to access files owned by a different user


  • [JS-557] - API job_chain object provides a method to retrieve an order
  • [JS-562] - job.statistics/task.statistics consider hidden jobs (visible="never" attribute)
  • [JS-578] - API order object provides a method to start an order
  • [JS-590] - If a process is interrupted by a signal (e.g. ulimit -f), this should be handled by Job Scheduler
  • [JS-633] - Implementing a XML command and answer for querying the current memory allocation on Unix
  • [JS-684] - System Monitor (Nagios, op5) should notify if a JobScheduler Universal Agent is not available
  • [JS-713] - Log file scheduler.log should be more concise
  • [JS-785] - Publish JobScheduler sources to publicly available repository
  • [JS-809] - Umstellung des scheduler builds auf maven 3
  • [JS-825] - Enable SSL access via Jetty
  • [JS-878] - API job_chain object should provide methods to retrieve orders
  • [JS-981] - The file should be world readable
  • [JS-1144] - PID file should not be overwritten if JobScheduler is started twice
  • [JS-1194] - JobScheduler should put its stdout/stderr in a separate file on Windows platforms
  • [JS-1247] - Plugin for individual runtime calculations to execute a process every n days
  • [JS-1248] - Old polling job-microscheduling switched off
  • [JS-1291] - JobScheduler Universal Agent
  • [JS-1300] - <file_order_source> on JobScheduler Universal Agent
  • [JS-1321] - In case of System crash, Database errors or unorderly shutdown JobScheduler should update database with status and log for running tasks/orders
  • [JS-1325] - Windows Service Interface for JobScheduler Universal Agent
  • [JS-1329] - Check stderr for errors in shell script execution
  • [JS-1338] - JobScheduler log should be less verbose
  • [JS-1393] - Identify output channel in JobScheduler logs
  • [JS-1394] - "skip node" option in a nested job chain should work
  • [JS-1399] - Process classes for <file_order_source> and <file_order_sink> on JobScheduler Universal Agent
  • [JS-1400] - Web service command to terminate JobScheduler Universal Agent
  • [JS-1401] - Add commands to start script to terminate JobScheduler Universal Agent
  • [JS-1410] - JobScheduler Universal Agent web services return information about current state
  • [JS-1416] - JobScheduler Universal Agent client for the command line
  • [JS-1419] - Add command to start script to run JobScheduler Universal Agent inside a Docker container
  • [JS-1420] - SIGTERM on shell task on classic agent over tcp
  • [JS-1422] - <file_order_sink> on JobScheduler Universal Agent
  • [JS-1426] - Status command for Universal Agent start script shows status information from overview web service call
  • [JS-1430] - Provide schema-aware XML Editor for JobScheduler and YADE configuration files
  • [JS-1442] - Restrict network interface for JobScheduler Universal Agent listener
  • [JS-1443] - Add network interfaces configuration to the start script for the Universal Agent
  • [JS-1450] - A process_class defined at job level has precedence before job chain level
  • [JS-1454] - Keep-alive for classic JobScheduler Agent
  • [JS-1456] - Keep-Alive for JobScheduler Universal Agent
  • [JS-1461] - SCHEDULER_ID should be provided as Environment Variable by JobScheduler
  • [JS-1464] - Allow jobs to run in different process classes
  • [JS-1467] - Enable Agent to run behind different Proxy URLs
  • [JS-1468] - OS-specific kill for JobScheduler Universal Agent Tasks without monitor
  • [JS-1477] - XML Editor exports compatible YADE .ini files from XML configuration files
  • [JS-1480] - JobScheduler Universal Agent web services
  • [JS-1482] - JobScheduler Universal Agent limits the number jobs that are executed without license key
  • [JS-1483] - If a job cannot be started due to licensing issues, this information is shown in the state text
  • [JS-1493] - JobScheduler start script writes number of enqueued tasks to output
  • [JS-1495] - Integrate task kill features into JobScheduler Universal Agent start script
  • [JS-1497] - JobScheduler logs information on what agent a task is executed
  • [JS-1501] - XML Editor supports shortcuts


  • [JS-1259] - Check nested job chains, max_orders, process class and new job-microscheduling
  • [JS-1345] - Evaluate logging technologies
  • [JS-1352] - JobScheduler Universal Agent: Java jobs
  • [JS-1371] - JobScheduler Universal Agent: Local proxy implementations for JobScheduler API
  • [JS-1372] - JobScheduler Universal Agent: JavaScript jobs
  • [JS-1377] - Extend JOC to support <file_order_source> attribute "alert_when_directory_missing"
  • [JS-1382] - JobScheduler Universal Agent: kill a running task (including child processes)
  • [JS-1383] - JobScheduler Universal Agent: API jobs with monitors
  • [JS-1385] - Configure -stdout and -stderr options for Windows start script
  • [JS-1386] - JobScheduler Universal Agent: HTTP tunnel replaces RPC TCP connections
  • [JS-1409] - Verify JDBC URLs created by the installer 1.10
  • [JS-1431] - Support scroll right/left by mouse
  • [JS-1432] - Enable to store an XML file after schema assignment
  • [JS-1433] - Operation "Expand/Collapse root node" should be "Expand/Collapse selected node"
  • [JS-1434] - After unsuccessful drag & drop operation the expand/collapse operation should work
  • [JS-1436] - Show reference values as list items
  • [JS-1437] - Enable boolean element values to be displayed as select lists
  • [JS-1438] - Copy & Paste XML nodes between XML configuration files
  • [JS-1439] - Import and export XML configuration
  • [JS-1440] - Provide XML Editor for use with JobScheduler Monitoring Interface configuration files
  • [JS-1452] - Uncouple the 'Add child Remove' bar from the rest of the right hand panel
  • [JS-1484] - Consider change of boolean default values in parameters
  • [JS-1485] - URI schema assignment
  • [JS-1486] - Suggest .ini file name when exporting
  • [JS-1487] - Remove option for temporary file removal
  • [JS-1488] - Consider exporting parameters without prefix
  • [JS-1489] - Rename operations for schema assignment
  • [JS-1490] - Enable Plugin-supported operations to be listed in the context menu
  • [JS-1491] - Separate Collapse/Expand operations
  • [JS-1494] - Allow auto-convert mode when saving XML files

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