Release Notes - JS - JobScheduler - Version 1.12 - HTML format


  • [JS-1683] - idle_timeout for task termination should be considered for use on Agents with an Open Source License
  • [JS-1693] - Substitution of environment variables in order parameters should work
  • [JS-1699] - The documentation of spooler.uri is missing
  • [JS-1705] - The answer of a <show_state> command should include the attribute configuration_directory
  • [JS-1709] - Run-time with a single_start and absolute_repeat in a single frequency does not work
  • [JS-1710] - HikariPool$PoolInitializationException if JocOrderStatistics is called
  • [JS-1712] - syntax error at or near "not" is raised if JocOrderStatistics is called
  • [JS-1713] - Orders with a specific end node should always be terminated at this node even if the job of this node raises an error
  • [JS-1716] - JobScheduler should consider that a parameter can have a hex_value attribute
  • [JS-1719] - Blacklisted orders are sometimes reported twice
  • [JS-1720] - Exception when executing a powershell job on a Windows machine with default Ansi Code Page=UTF
  • [JS-1723] - The mail caused by warn_if_longer|shorter_than attribute should consider the mail setting in a job too
  • [JS-1730] - A reconnect to SQL Server group cluster should work after the SQL Server node has changed
  • [JS-1732] - Universal Agent Cannot Find or Load Main Class ... AgentMain
  • [JS-1734] - Error handling for jobs with job chains on Agents should work
  • [JS-1735] - JobScheduler should consider exit codes from PowerShell jobs
  • [JS-1736] - JobScheduler should consider command errors from PowerShell jobs
  • [JS-1742] - Powershell interface raises COM-80020009 exception when JobScheduler Master does not set the scheduler.variable_name_prefix parameter
  • [JS-1757] - Exit code set by spooler_task.exit_code should be evaluated by job chain on_return_code
  • [JS-1758] - Agent merges job and order variables case-insensitive


  • [JS-1333] - Retirement of JobScheduler built-in HTTP Server
  • [JS-1346] - Retirement of built-in HTTP authentication
  • [JS-1347] - Retirement of asynchronous JobScheduler Web Services
  • [JS-1349] - Retirement of plain TCP interface
  • [JS-1384] - Enabling and disabling of jobs is deprecated
  • [JS-1562] - Retirement of custom history fields
  • [JS-1603] - Use of the Windows Script Engine languages such as VBScript and JScript with JobScheduler Master is deprecated
  • [JS-1679] - Retirement of XML Interface
  • [JS-1740] - Retirement of Apache Xerces for JobScheduler Master
  • [JS-1752] - Custom Documentation Stylesheet is discontinued
  • [JS-1754] - Schedules are replaced by Calendars


  • [JS-429] - Environment variables for date and time with jobs on Agents
  • [JS-861] - Agent should start a process for a specific Windows account
  • [JS-928] - Regular expressions should support UTF-8 encoding
  • [JS-940] - Internal jobs Web_service_forwarder and Test_web_service without xercesImpl
  • [JS-1343] - Job chain with job node process classes
  • [JS-1348] - Plugin for synchronous JobScheduler Web Services
  • [JS-1359] - Enable job nodes to specify conditions for execution based on order parameters
  • [JS-1375] - New e-mail management
  • [JS-1388] - Add e-mail as a monitor service for the JobScheduler Monitoring Interface
  • [JS-1414] - Prevent secure information from being logged
  • [JS-1445] - JobScheduler Monitoring Interface should send a notification for directory missing from <file_order_source>
  • [JS-1518] - Handling of Agent tasks in case of failure and connection loss
  • [JS-1594] - JobScheduler Master supports PowerShell scripting language for jobs and monitors
  • [JS-1601] - JobScheduler Master integrates Task Server
  • [JS-1612] - Java Time replaces Joda Time
  • [JS-1624] - JobScheduler Master is buildable with tests under Solaris
  • [JS-1634] - JobScheduler Agent supports jobs and monitors implemented with .NET C# language
  • [JS-1703] - A timeout should be introduced which ends the endless reconnect to unreachable Agents
  • [JS-1707] - JobScheduler should work with MS JDBC 6.0 and SQL Server 2016
  • [JS-1715] - System Monitor plugin scripts for active checks should use the JOC Cockpit REST web service including authentication
  • [JS-1721] - HeartBeat-Watchdog-Thread in a cluster configuration doesn't work if the database server is very slow (takes more than 1 minute to respond)
  • [JS-1722] - options for http and https for indicating which network interfaces the JobScheduler should listen to are supported
  • [JS-1725] - Agent (Running jobs as a different user) - retrieving the environment variables for the target user
  • [JS-1726] - JobTaskQueueChanged Event should be sent
  • [JS-1727] - OrderAdded and OrderRemoved Events should be sent
  • [JS-1728] - JobScheduler should use XSLT2 to transform e-mail stylesheets
  • [JS-1746] - JobScheduler Agent PowerShell Jobs should support profiles
  • [JS-1747] - Agent (Running jobs as a different user) - setting the JobScheduler/Agent specific environment variables for the target user
  • [JS-1748] - Different JAVA options in factory.ini for JobScheduler process and other process
  • [JS-1749] - Multiple <date> for the same day are merged
  • [JS-1750] - Master start script should consider Java options when calling -send-cmd
  • [JS-1751] - Agent start script should consider -job-java-options command line option
  • [JS-1753] - Remove Custom Documentation stylesheets
  • [JS-1756] - Update Joda Time to a current release and build Joda Time with current timezones
  • [JS-1759] - Provide environment variable for current order state (node name)
  • [JS-1761] - Performance improvement - JobSchedulerJobAdapter should reduce API calls


  • [JS-1745] - Aapprove issue for release 1.12 : JS-1735 - JobScheduler should consider exit codes from PowerShell jobs

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