Status: Deferred (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3
Current Situation
- The log message SCHEDULER-947 setback(): order has been set back... is created at warning level.
- This warning doesn't give any information why the order was setback and may cause confusion if no setback is configured.
Desired Behavior
- The log message SCHEDULER-947 setback(): order has been set back... is switched from warning level to info level.
- It is better if the job implementation itself creates a warning if an order can no longer be set back.
- The job implementation has to know if an order could not be set back anymore, e.g. because the max setback intervall has been reached.
- Therefore the method order.setback() needs to return a boolean value:
- true - the order was set back and will be processed again later.
- false - the order could not be set back any more.
- A reason can be specified why the taks finally failed if not further setback is performed.
- The method spooler_task.set_reasion("...") as specified by
JS-1310can be used to store that information.
- The method spooler_task.set_reasion("...") as specified by
Proposed Usage
- A common usage example would be:
if (!order.setback()) spooler_log.warn("Failed to find...");
Issue Links
- requires
JS-1310 A job should have an attribute state_text to write to via <modify_job>
- Dismissed