Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Current Situation
The Job JobSchedulerCheckRunHistory has its own implementation which
- makes a connection using host and port
- can return whether a job did run late
- does not work when the job is actually running
Desired Behaviour
The job should use the new class com.sos.jitl.checkrunhistory.JobHistory which provides a lot of further return values. To make the job available for the Universal Agent, it also should use the api methode execute_xml as default. Only when host and port are explicitly specified, a connection using host and port should be used.
The job provides the new parameter query. Possible values are (the queries will be checked not case sensitive)
- isStartedToday
- isStartedTodayCompletedSuccessful
- isStartedTodayCompletedWithError
- isStartedTodayCompleted
- isCompletedToday
- isCompletedTodaySuccessfully
- isCompletedTodayWithError
- the following queries can define a datetime
- in the form d:hh:mm:ss
- Example: is CompletedAfter(-1:20:00:00)
- This queries whether the job did completed after yesterday 8:00 pm
- If no time is specified the values from the paramters start_time or end_time will be uses
- isCompletedAfter
- isCompletedWithErrorAfter
- isCompletedSuccessfulAfter
- idStartedAfter
- idStartedWithErrorAfter
- isStartedSuccessfulAfter
- isCompletedBefore
- isCompleteddBeforeWithError
- isCompletedBeforeSuccessful
Issue Links
- is related to
JITL-290 The job JobSchedulerCheckRunHistory should query multiple jobs with a query for each job
- Released
- is required by
JITL-216 The JITL job JobSchedulerCheckRunHistory should not consider running jobs for the last successful run
- Released
- relates to
JITL-217 Provide a function for checking the job history in job monitors by use of the XML interface
- Released