Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Current Situation
When setting a relative path for the source directory then YADE does not handle this correctly:
- when using the protocol FTP then no files will be found to transfer even if matching files are present.
- when using the protocol SFTP then an error message appears:
SOSDExJSAdapterClass ended with error: SOSVfs_E_226: .. file './' does not exist.
To reproduce the problem, start this job:
<job title="API Job for JobScheduler Advanced Data Exchange" order="no" name="Jade"> <params > <param name="operation" value="copy"/> <param name="source_dir" value="./"/> <param name="source_port" value="21"/> <param name="source_protocol" value="ftp"/> <param name="source_host" value="myhost"/> <param name="source_user" value="myuser"/> <param name="source_password" value="mypwd"/> <param name="source_ssh_auth_method" value="password"/> <param name="target_dir" value="c:/temp/xxx"/> <param name="target_protocol" value="file"/> <param name="file_spec" value=".*"/> </params> <script language="java" java_class="sos.scheduler.jade.JadeJob"/> <run_time /> </job>
Desired Behavior
- It should be possible to use a relative path for the source directory.
Maintainer Notes
- Due to the complexitiy of this fix it will not be applied to maintenance release 1.7 and 1.8 in order to keep this fix free from side effects.