Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Current Situation
- File orders take the completed state if the related file is still available when the order completes the workflow.
- If a FileWatch is deleted then file orders in the completed state will be "orphaned". Such orders cannot be cancelled by users.
- Similar behavior applies if a FileWatch is renamed as deployment of FileWatches in JOC Cockpit corresponds to a delete/store operation.
Desired Behavior
- When a FileWatch is deleted then orders in the completed state should consider the related file being non-existent and should leave the workflow.
- When a FileWatch is renamed then this corresponds to a delete/store operation: an order for the original FileWatch will leave the workflow and a new order is created for the new FileWatch. This applies to a situation when the incoming file remains available throughout delete/store operations.
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
JOC-1849 When a Workflow is removed then Orders from related File Order Sources should be removed
- Dismissed