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  1. JS - JobScheduler
  2. JS-2132

Failed orders should be resumable from any position in a workflow if the offending job is skipped



    • Fix
    • Status: Released (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.7.0
    • 2.7.1
    • None
    • None


      Current Behavior
      When adding an order to a workflow that includes a failing job then the order will stop with the offending job in the failed state. If a user skips the offending job and then resumes the order from the same or any other position then the error is raised: "BadRequestError: CannotResumeOrder: Order is not in a resumable state."

      Steps to reproduce

      • Create a workflow w1 with 3 jobs: j1, j2, and j3.
      • Make the job j2 fail.
      • Add an order to the workflow.
      • The job j2 will fail, so skip that job.
      • Try to resume the order from the same position or from any earlier or later position in the workflow.

      This will raise the error: "BadRequestError: CannotResumeOrder: Order is not in a resumable state."

      Desired Behavior
      Failed orders should be resumable from any position in a workflow if the offending job is skipped.

      Maintainer Notes
      JS-2135 is planned for release 2.7.2 and will implement the behavior that an order is not immediately moved to the next instruction if an instruction such as a job is skipped. The earlier behavior of prematurely moving orders causes the error indicated by JS-2132 as the resume operation is not available from the later position.


        Issue Links



              jz Joacim Zschimmer
              rajrani-upadhyay Rajrani Upadhyay
              Rajrani Upadhyay Rajrani Upadhyay
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue

