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  1. JS - JobScheduler
  2. JS-2131

Orders waiting in a Retry Instruction should be immediately suspendible




      Current Situation

      • Consider a workflow that holds a Retry Instruction which includes jobs.
      • If an order fails in a job then it moves to the Retry Instruction and waits for the related delay (DELAYED_AFTER_ERROR).
      • JS-2110 resolves the functional requirement that orders can be suspended while being attached to an Agent. JS-2110 does not resolve the requirement that the suspend transition is immediately completed. Instead, the order is marked for suspension (waiting/suspending state) and will be suspended when the wait interval expired.

      Desired Behavior

      • Orders in a waiting state in a Retry Instruction that are delayed after an error should support to be immediately suspended.
      • This is achieved by two operations performed by the API:
        • Suspend Operation
          • If an order is in the waiting state, then first a "suspend" operation is performed, then a "go" operation ("let run") is performed. As a result the wait interval is immediately completed and the order is suspended.
        • Resume Operation
          • If an order is in the waiting state, then similarly the "suspend" operation followed by a "go" operation is performed. Only then the "resume" operation is performed that starts from the suspended state. This resolves JS-2132 that occurs due to the fact that an order in the waiting/suspending state cannot change its position when being resumed. The order can change its position when being resumed from the suspended state.


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              oh Oliver Haufe
              ur Uwe Risse
              Pramokshi Narawariya Pramokshi Narawariya
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

