Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Current Situation
- Orders for workflows can use a single start time or cyclic start times, e.g. repeating every 5 minutes for a period of hours during the day.
- For each cycle an individual order is created. The GUI displays orders from a cycle as a single order. The order history keeps track of individual orders of a cycle.
Desired Behavior
- Cycles should be managed by the JS7 Controller and Agent for workflows.
- This saves the overhead of creating individual orders for a cycle and to manage larger numbers of orders.
- A single history entry is created for a cyclic workflow.
- The Cycle instruction in a workflow
- can be used to span individual instructions/jobs and to span any number of instructions/jobs included with the workflow.
- can be nested with other Cycle instructions and with other instructions.
- performs cyclic execution of the workflow for a period of 24 hours starting from the point in time that the order was scheduled for.
- specifies start times for cyclic execution
- by a list of minutes for which the cycle executes during each hour. Applicable hours can be specified.
- by the begin (hh:MM:ss) and duration of a period for which the cycle executes in a fixed interval.
- Error handling considers
- to fail an order in case that any instruction in a cycle fails. The failed order remains with the offending instruction in a failed state and requires user intervention. No further cycles are considered for orders in a failed state.
- to end the cycle immediately and to make the order move to the begin of the cycle and wait for the next start time (automated error handling).
Issue Links
- Wiki Page
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