Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Current Situation
- the JITL job JobSchedulerExistsFile is executed on an Agent; the Job is configured to move the order to end state Success. by parameter on_empty_result_set=succes
- If no matching file is found, the order is moved to the end state success and JobScheduler hangs with the error message ERROR SCHEDULER-188 Order.setback() and Order.state= cannot be combined
.27 09:48:55.632 270 31197.AB5004C0 [ERROR SCHEDULER-188 Order.setback() and Order.state= cannot be combined [Order support/Ticket2018062610000013/fzz2:fzz3]] .27 09:48:55.648 16 31197.AB5004C0 [ERROR SCHEDULER-188 Order.setback() and Order.state= cannot be combined [Order support/Ticket2018062610000013/fzz2:fzz3]] .27 09:48:55.648 0 31197.AB5004C0 [ERROR SCHEDULER-188 Order.setback() and Order.state= cannot be combined [Order support/Ticket2018062610000013/fzz2:fzz3]] .27 09:48:55.649 1 31197.AB5004C0 (Letzte Zeile wiederholt sich 2 mal) .27 09:48:55.649 0 31197.AB5004C0 [ERROR SCHEDULER-191 separate_process: Unexpected state _operation==NULL in step__end] .27 09:48:55.650 1 31197.AB5004C0 [ERROR SCHEDULER-191 separate_process: Unexpected state _operation==NULL in step__end] .27 09:48:55.650 0 31197.AB5004C0 [ERROR SCHEDULER-188 Order.setback() and Order.state= cannot be combined [Order support/Ticket2018062610000013/fzz2:fzz3]] .27 09:48:55.650 0 31197.AB5004C0 [ERROR SCHEDULER-188 Order.setback() and Order.state= cannot be combined [Order support/Ticket2018062610000013/fzz2:fzz3]] .27 09:48:55.651 1 31197.AB5004C0 [ERROR SCHEDULER-188 Order.setback() and Order.state= cannot be combined [Order support/Ticket2018062610000013/fzz2:fzz3]]
Desired situation
- JobScheduler should not hang when an order is moved to the end node
- Add a dummy Full node, e.g., dummy_success, before the actual End Node Success and if not files are found, configure JITL job JobSchedulerExistsFile, to move the order to dumm_succes.