Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
PowerShell Support
- Jobs and monitors that make use of the PowerShell scripting language can be executed with JobScheduler Agent for Windows.
- The JobScheduler Agent exposes its API to PowerShell job and monitor scripts.
- PowerShell is added to the supported scripting languages for Windows systems. For ease of use PowerShell can be configured with jobs and monitors by use of the language attribute:
- Example
<job> <script language = "powershell"> <![CDATA[ function spooler_process() { $ "This is spooler_process()" ) $ "TaskID: "+ $ ) return $false } ]]> </script> <run_time/> </job>
- Example
Issue Links
- is required by
JS-1594 JobScheduler Master supports PowerShell scripting language for jobs and monitors
- Dismissed
JOE-234 JOE supports job and monitor configuration for PowerShell scripting
- Released
JS-1603 Use of the Windows Script Engine languages such as VBScript and JScript with JobScheduler Master is deprecated
- Deprecated
- requires
JS-1602 .NET / PowerShell Adapter for Windows
- Released
- links to
(2 mentioned in)