Current Situation
- The Audit Log in JOC Cockpit shows only entries for the current JobScheduler Master (Cluster)
- The API calls expect the "jobschedulerId" as a parameter.
Desired Behavior
- The user profile should include a setting whether the Audit Log by default is shown for 'all' or for the 'current' JobScheduler Master (Cluster)
- The default value of this settings is 'current'.
- The Audit Log view should have a checkbox that specifies whether the Audit Log is shown for all or for the current JobScheduler Master (Cluster).
- The default value of this checkbox corresponds to the profile setting.
- If the Audit Log is shown for all JobScheduler Master instances then a column with the JobSchedulerId has to be displayed.
- The API calls expect an empty "jobschedulerId" parameter if the response should include the Audit Log for all JobScheduler Master instances.