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  1. JOC - JobScheduler Operations Center
  2. JOC-241

Sorting of the Daily Plan is not Correct




      Current Situation
      • The "Job Chain/Job" header used in the first column of the both the Gantt and list presentations is referred to in the "Sort by" button as the "Name". This is inconsistent. The name of a Job Chain is, for example, "my_job_chain". The data in the "Job Chain/Job" column is of the type "/my_folder/my_job_chain". In the Job Chains view this information is called "Path".
      • In the Gantt Chart view:
        • Default Sorting (indicated in the 'Sort by' Button but see above) in Daily Plan is 'By path' but entries are actually first sorted by start time and then by Path.
        • Sorting by Order ID (using the 'Sort by' Button) sorts by 'Start time' and then by 'Order ID'
        • Sorting by Name (using the 'Sort by' Button) sorts by 'Start time' and then by Path.
      • In the table view:
        • Sorting with the 'Sort by' button and the column headers is not correct. For example, sorting by 'Status' sorts first by 'Start type' and then by 'Path'.
      Desired Behaviour
      • "Path" should be used both in the "Sort by" button instead of "Name" and as the header for the first column of both the Gantt and list presentations instead of "Job Chain/Job".
      • In the Gantt Chart view:
        Sorting should be by 'Start time' only when 'Sort by start time' is selected either with the 'Sort by' button or the 'Planned Start' header in the list view.
      • In the list view sorting should be first of all by the column header and then by Path.




            ztsa0019 Sourabh Agrawal
            aa Alan Amos
            Alan Amos Alan Amos
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

