Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Current Situation
- Workflow W1 defines the workflow variable V1
- Schedule S1 refers to W1
- S1 defines the value for V1 with VALUE1
- The Daily Plan view shows the submitted orders for S1
- When clicking "Modify Parameterization" the value for V1 displays the default value from the workflow and not the current value from the schedule.
- When clicking "Modify Parameterization" for this order in the Workflows view, then the value is correctly displayed.
The values for variables are provided by the api call /joc/api/daily_plan/order/variables. This call is missing when performing the "Modify Parameterization" function. Instead the api call /joc/api/workflow is used. This is wrong.
Desired Behavior
The current value for V1 should be visible in the Daily Plan view when using the "Modify Parameterization" operation.