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  1. JOC - JobScheduler Operations Center
  2. JOC-1833

Add bulk operation to resume orders from a common position



    • Feature
    • Status: In Progress (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 2.7.2
    • None


      Current Situation

      • Users can resume orders from any position in a workflow (within limits as no jump operations into block instructions are allowed).
      • Users can resume orders from the same position using a bulk operation.
      • Users cannot resume a number of orders from a specific position using bulk operations.
      • Users identify a usability gap when resuming failed orders inside a Try/Catch Instruction: when resuming a failed order from the Catch Block then the order frequently should be moved to the Try Block. This is unwanted manual effort. The desired option is to offer a bulk operation to resume orders from the Try Block.

      Desired Behavior

      • The bulk operation to resume orders is improved:
        • Users can specify a common label that is available with all underlying workflows in which orders should be resumed.
        • Users can specify a relative jump to the begin of the current block instruction, Example:
          • A Try/Catch Instruction is available with a failed order located in the Catch Block of the instruction.
          • The relative jump resumes the order from the begin of the Try Instruction.
      • The JOC Cockpit GUI supports the bulk operation by offering the choice
        • to select an instruction from visual display of the workflow and to apply the related label to the "resume" operation.
        • to select the relative jump operation.




            oh Oliver Haufe
            ap Andreas PĆ¼schel
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

