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  1. JOC - JobScheduler Operations Center
  2. JOC-1512

Improve resumption of orders in a Cycle Instruction




      Current Situation

      • We find the following problems when resuming failed or suspended orders in a Cycle Instruction:
        • If resumed from a previous Job Instruction in the Cycle then the order will continue with its current variables
          • This can be useful in a number of use cases.
          • For other use cases the order should continue with historic values of variables available at the time when the previous job was executed.
        • After resumption the order will complete the current cycle and will leave the Cycle Instruction.
          • This is not intended behavior. On resumption orders should complete the cycle as configured with the Cycle Instruction.
      • There is no mechanism to prematurely leave a Cycle Instruction ("break").

      Desired Behavior

      • The Cycle Instruction is added a Break Instruction to make an order leave the cycle, see JS-2046.
      • When orders are resumed then users are offered a popup window that displays available variables.
        • Users can decide to modify the values of individual variables for the instruction from which the order will be resumed.
        • Users can decide not to modify variables and to resume an order with historic variable values in place with the instruction from which the order will be resumed.
        • Users can select variables with modified/unchanged values that should be used on resumption.
      • When resuming orders then
        • the default behavior for orders is to complete the cycle as specified with the Cycle Instruction.
        • users have the option to specify a relative point in time, up to 24 hours, until which the order will complete its last cycle. This will overrule the Cycle Instruction's specification and can be used to limit the remaining time for cycles, it cannot be used to exceed the duration specified by the Cycle Instruction.
      • On resumption of orders users can decide to make the order leave the Cycle Instruction and to continue with next instructions after the Cycle Instruction.


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              oh Oliver Haufe
              oh Oliver Haufe
              Andreas Püschel Andreas Püschel
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