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  1. JOC - JobScheduler Operations Center
  2. JOC-1469

Connections of the instructions overlap in the Workflow's graphical view



    • Fix
    • Status: Released (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.5.1
    • 2.5.2, 2.6.0
    • None
    • None


      Current Behavior:

      • When creating two workflows, First, with two ExpectNotices Instruction inside a Fork Instruction and add a PostNotices Instruction below the fork instruction, and second, with two AddOrder inside a fork instruction and add an ExpectNotice below the fork instruction and execute the second workflow then the connections of instruction in the first workflow overlap in the graphical view.

      Steps to reproduce:

      • Create 3 workflows name (W1, W2, W3)
        • In W1: Add 2 AddOrder Instructions (1st AddOrder Instrcution triggers W2 and 2nd AddOrder Instruction triggers W3) inside a Fork Instruction and an ExpectNotices Instruction with the Notice Board " 'NB1'&&'NB4' " as per the attached W1.workflow.json file.
        • In W2: Add 2 ExpectNotices Instructions with the Notice Boards "NB2" and "NB3" inside the Fork Instruction and a PostNotices Instruction with the Notice Board "NB1" as per the attached W2.workflow.json file.
        • In W3: Add 2 PostNotices Instructions with the Notice Boards "NB2" and "NB3" inside the Fork Instruction and a PostNotices Instruction with the Notice Board "NB4" as per the attached W3.workflow.json file.
      • Execute the Workflow W1 from the Workflows view.
      • Use the operation to "Show Graphical View" from the action menu of workflow W2 in the Workflows view.
      • The connections of instructions in workflow W2 overlap in the graphical view.

      Desired Behavior:

      • The connection of instructions in the workflow should not overlap in the graphical view.


        1. W1.workflow.json
          2 kB
          Pramokshi Narawariya
        2. W2.workflow.json
          3 kB
          Pramokshi Narawariya
        3. W3.workflow.json
          3 kB
          Pramokshi Narawariya



            ztsa0019 Sourabh Agrawal
            Pramokshi-Narawariya Pramokshi Narawariya
            Pramokshi Narawariya Pramokshi Narawariya
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

