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  1. JOC - JobScheduler Operations Center
  2. JOC-1417

Import should verify existing, invalid objects affected by imported objects




      Current Situation

      • When importing inventory objects it may happen that they are invalid, for example if the Agent A1 is assigned to a job in a workflow W1 but the Agent is not known.
        • When in this situation Agent A1 is imported later on then workflow W1 is displayed being valid in the Configuration view. However, workflow W1 is still considered being invalid in the tree of the Configuration view.
        • As a result workflow W1 cannot be deployed.
      • The same happens with a schedule S1 that references workflow W2 that does not exist. When importing workflow W2 later on then S1 is displayed being valid but in the tree it is displayed being invalid.
      • In this case it is possible to release schedule S1 as no check is performed whether S1 is valid or not.

      Desired Behavior

      • After import invalid inventory objects should be checked if they can be considered being valid due to newly imported objects.
      • When schedule S1 is released then a validity check has to be performed that includes to verify references to assigned workflows.


        1. testagent_101.agent.zip
          0.3 kB
        2. java_job_export.zip
          1.0 kB
        3. 2022-11-23-workflow.zip
          0.7 kB
        4. 2022-11-23-schedule.zip
          0.7 kB



            sp Santiago Aucejo Petzoldt
            ur Uwe Risse
            Kanika Agrawal Kanika Agrawal
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue

