Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Windows, Linux
Current Situation
- The first time the user returns to the Dashboard View:
- after their session has been timed out while the user was not looking at the dashboard view,
- they will be presented with the 'default' information that all Agent Clusters are unreachable although the situation is that the JOC Cockpit has not yet received updated information about the cluster statuses. This situation may perhaps be acceptable for a few seconds but can last for a minute.
- The user is not informed when the Widget has been updated and they are now seeing actual information. (Consider the situation where all Agent Clusters are actually unreachable.)
- This situation does not occur when a user logs out and then logs in again.
- Here is the relevant 'agent_clusters' JSON text
{ "agentClusters": [{ "_type": "SINGLE_AGENT", "agents": [{ "state": { "_text": "UNREACHABLE", "severity": 2 }, "surveyDate": "2017-04-25T11:29:28.017Z", "url": "http://localhost:4442" } ], "maxProcesses": 1, "numOfAgents": { "any": 1, "running": 0 }, "numOfProcesses": 0, "path": "/demo/hello_world/agent_4442", "processes": [], "state": { "_text": "ALL_AGENTS_ARE_UNREACHABLE", "severity": 2 }, "surveyDate": "2017-04-25T11:29:27.99Z" }, { "_type": "SINGLE_AGENT", "agents": [{ "state": { "_text": "UNREACHABLE", "severity": 2 }, "surveyDate": "2017-04-25T11:29:28.082Z", "url": "http://localhost:4441" } ], "maxProcesses": 1, "numOfAgents": { "any": 1, "running": 0 }, "numOfProcesses": 1, "path": "/demo/hello_world/agent_4441", "processes": [{ "job": "/demo/hello_world/job11", "pid": 0, "runningSince": "2017-04-25T08:00:02.256Z", "taskId": "115" } ], "state": { "_text": "ALL_AGENTS_ARE_UNREACHABLE", "severity": 2 }, "surveyDate": "2017-04-25T11:29:27.99Z" } ], "deliveryDate": "2017-04-25T11:29:29.156Z" }
Desired Behaviour
- the Agent Cluster Status Widget should show an initial message such as 'Waiting for updated information' or
- the Agent Cluster is updated within an acceptable period of time for a 'quick' view such as the Dashboard, after either the view becomes active or a user logs on.