Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Current Situation
- In some situations (e.g. internal error in the Daily Plan during evaluation of order variables) it is not possible to modify the order variables and the following error occurs:
SOSHibernateObjectOperationException: could not execute statement: 1048 (conn=33716) Column 'CONTROLLER_ID' cannot be null
Desired Behaviour
- The operation to modify variables should work.
Test instructions
- use attached configuration file
- configure a schedule for execution later in the date
- after deployment switch to the "Daily Plan" view an create the Daily Plan for the configured schedule
- use MySQL Workbench and execute query:
- DELETE FROM DPL_ORDER_VARIABLES where ORDER_ID='<use order id generated by Daily Plan>';
- from the action menu of order in then Daily Plan view select Modify Variables and change the values of variables for the order.
- check the execution result:
- the variable(s) should be added to the order
- check the joc.log file
- check the execution result: