Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Current Situation
- Users would like to analyze log output of previously executed jobs.
- Analysis includes to identify warnings & errors.
- Analysis includes to identify output for decision-making about next steps in a workflow.
Desired Behavior
- The CheckLogJob JITL job is made available.
- Parameterization
- job (required): the name of a job in the current workflow that is previously executed
- label (optional): the name of the label indicating the job's occurrence in the workflow.
- if the label does not match, then the CheckLogJob raises an error.
- if the label is not specified and more than one occurrence of the job is found in the workflow, then the CheckLogJob raises an error.
- pattern (required): a regular expression that is applied to the task log.
- group_separator (optional): specifies a character that is used in the value of the js7CheckLogMatches return variable to separate results from capturing groups. Default: | (pipe)
- Processing
- The JITL job will connect to JOC Cockpit and will request the task log of the indicated job running for the current order.
- The JITL job will apply the regular expression pattern and will return results.
- Error Handling
- The JITL job raises errors for failing connection/authentication to JOC Cockpit.
- The JITL job raises errors if no results are found from the history or if more than one result is found.
- The JITL job does not raise errors if the pattern matches or does not match.
- Return Variables
- returnCode: the value 0 indicates pattern match, the value 1 indicates that the pattern didn't match.
- js7CheckLogMatches: a string value holding the matching characters of the task log.
- An empty value is returned if the pattern doesn't not match
- In case of a pattern specifying capturing groups, the matching characters are provided for each group. The return variable holds values per group separated by the character specified from the group_separator argument.