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  1. JITL - JobScheduler Integrated Template Library
  2. JITL-724

JS7 Java Jobs API - the step.getAllArguments() method can throw a ClassCastException



    • Fix
    • Status: Released (View Workflow)
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.5.4, 2.6.1
    • 2.5.6, 2.6.3
    • None



      • This issue exclusively applies to User-defined Java Jobs that make use of the step.getAllArguments() method.
      • There is no impact on JavaScript Jobs.

      Current Situation

      • The method step.getAllArguments() returns a map with argument names (String) as keys and JobArgument instances as map values.
      • The JobArgument instance utilizes a generic type that should correspond to the type of the argument value.
      • Typically, arguments are declared in a separate class to specify the type, default value, display mode, and more.
        • Example:
          public class MyJobArguments extends JobArguments {
              private JobArgument<String> myString = new JobArgument<>("myString", false);
              private JobArgument<List<String>> myList = new JobArgument<>("myList", false);
              public JobArgument<String> getMyString() {
                  return myString;
              public JobArgument<List<String>> getMyList() {
                  return myList;
        • Within the Job, the declared arguments can be retrieved using the step.getDeclaredArguments() method and typed accordingly:
          • JobArgument<List<String>> myListArg = step.getDeclaredArguments().getMyList();
            List<String> myListArgValues = myListArg.getValue();
        • Conversely, the step.getAllArguments() method provides JobArgument instances for all arguments, whether declared or not, and incorrectly uses the type of the Arguments class instead of a wildcard type:
          • JobArgument<MyJobArguments> myListArg = step.getAllArguments().get("myList");
            • it works
          • MyJobArguments myListArgValues = step.getAllArguments().get("myList").getValue();
            • this results in a ClassCastException because the argument value is of type List<String>, not of the type MyJobArguments.

      Desired Behaviour

      • The step.getAllArguments() method should utilize the wildcard type.
        • JobArgument<?> myListArg = step.getAllArguments().get("myList");
          Object myListArgValues = step.getAllArguments().get("myList").getValue();




            re Robert Ehrlich
            re Robert Ehrlich
            Robert Ehrlich Robert Ehrlich
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