Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Current Situation
- Jobs and job chains might not be executed if the Master (or server that hosts the Master) is not available for the scheduled start time.
- This applies e.g. to maintenance windows that include a shutdown of the Master. Maintenance windows that do not require shutdown of a Master can be handled by using a "pause" that enqueues planned task starts to a point in time when the Master is continued.
- If a user wants to catch up on a number of jobs that have not been executed due to inavailability of a Master then the Daily Plan view can be used: this view shows "planned", "late" jobs and orders that can be followed by available links and that can be started manually.
Desired Behavior
- The task to catch up on planned, late jobs and orders should be automatically performed by a job.
- The Daily Plan is used as a basis and all planned, late jobs for the current day are started.
- This new job can be executed automatically on start-up of the JobScheduler Master:
- Users can choose to activate/deactivate this job.
- By default the job will not be automatically executed on start-up of JobScheduler Master.
- The job should be parameterized
- to include or exclude any late jobs to be executed.
- to exclude specific folders and job paths from execution. This can be handled by a list of folders or job paths that are specified by a regular expression.
- ignore_folder_list
- Example: /a/b*;/c;/a/d/c
- A semicolon seperated list of folders.
- These folders will be ignored by this job.
- If the folder name ends with * then the folder and all subfolders will be ignored.
- ignore_order_list
- Example: /a.*,1;.*/c/test,2;/a/b/c/fest.*
- A semicolon seperated list of job chains.
- The name is used as a regular expression
- These job chains will be ignored by this job.
- The orders are specified as job_chain(orderId)
- ignore_job_list
- Example: /a.*/b/c/test;.*/c/test;/a/b/c/fest.*
- A semicolon seperated list of jobs.
- The name is used as a regular expression
- These jobs will be ignored by this job.
- jobs
- Example: /a.*/b/c/test;.*/c/test;/a/b/c/fest.*
- A semicolon seperated list of jobs.
- If this parameter is set, only those jobs will be started.
- The names are used as a regular expression
- orders
- Example: /a.*,1;.*/c/test,2;/a/b/c/fest.*
- A semicolon seperated list of orders.
- If this parameter is set, only those orders will be started.
- The names are used as a regular expression.
- The orders are specified as job_chain(orderId) where (orderId) is optional. If no orderId is set then all orders of the job chain are handled by the job.
- day_offset (default=0d)
- Specify the number of days to look in the past.
- Example: -10d looks ten days into the past and shows the latecomers for the day that is 10 days in the past.
- only_report (default=false)
If true no job (orders) will be startet but just listed in the log.
The user specified in private.conf must have the permissions
sos:products:commands, \
sos:products:joc_cockpit:jobscheduler_master:view, \
sos:products:joc_cockpit:daily_plan:view:status, \
sos:products:joc_cockpit:order:execute:start, \
//For the job CheckHistory: sos:products:joc_cockpit:history:view:status, \
Job Definition
<job order="yes" stop_on_error="no" name="checkForLatecomers" title="Check for Latecommers"> <script language="java" java_class="com.sos.jitl.latecomers.JobSchedulerStartLatecomersJSAdapterClass"/> <run_time /> </job>
Test Instruction
Test Configuration
- Open JOE and use the wizard to create standalone job, using template job "JobSchedulerStartLatecomers".
- Add the job parameters <ignore_folder_list>, <ignore_order_list>, <ignore_job_list>, <jobs>, <orders>, <day_offset>, <only_report>from wizard to include or exclude the jobs, orders or job chains which has be executed or not to be executed.
- Test Case 1: Execute all the orders which are late today. By using following parameters :
<day_offset>: 0d <orders>: /. * <only_report> : true
- Test Case Execution
- Login on to the JOC Cockpit and start the task.
- Test Case Validation
- Positive Case
- All the Orders which are late are displayed in the task log
- Negative Case
- All the Order which are late are not displayed in task log
- Positive Case
- Test Case Execution
- Test Case 2: Execute all the orders which are late today except one. By using following parameters :
<day_offset>: 0d <ignore_order_list>: /FolderA/job_chainA,daily_100 <only_report> : true
- Test Case Execution
- Login on to the JOC Cockpit and start the task.
- Test Case Validation
- Positive Case
- All the Orders which are late are displayed in the task log except the one which is ignored
- Negative Case
- All the Order which are late are not displayed in task log
- Positive Case
- Test Case Execution
- Test Case 3: Execute all the jobs which are late today. By using following parameters :
<day_offset>: 0d <jobs>: /.* <only_report> : true
- Test Case Execution
- Login on to the JOC Cockpit and start the task.
- Test Case Validation
- Positive Case
- All the Jobs which are late are displayed in the task log
- Negative Case
- All the Jobs which are late are not displayed in task log
- Positive Case
- Test Case Execution
- Test Case 4: Execute all the jobs which are late today except one. By using following parameters :
<day_offset>: 0d <jobs>: /.* <ignore_job_list>: /FolderA/job3 <only_report> : true
- Test Case Execution
- Login on to the JOC Cockpit and start the task.
- Test Case Validation
- Positive Case
- All the Jobs which are late are displayed in the task log except the one which is ignored
- Negative Case
- All the Jobs which are late are not displayed in task log
- Positive Case
- Test Case Execution
- Test Case 5: Execute all the orders,jobs which are late today except those which are in FolderC. By using following parameters :
<day_offset>: 0d <ignore_folder_list>: /FolderC <only_report> : true
- Test Case Execution
- Login on to the JOC Cockpit and start the task.
- Test Case Validation
- Positive Case
- All the orders, jobs which are late are displayed in the task log except the one which are in the folder which is ignored.
- Negative Case
- All the Order,jobs which are late are not displayed in task log.
- Positive Case
- Test Case Execution
- Note: In all the above test cases the value of parameter <only_report> is set ‘true’ as, if it is set as ‘false’ then for each test case we need to create orders or jobs.
Test Execution
- The test execution depends on a parameter <only_report>.
- If the value of this parameter is " true " then no jobs will be started. Only the names of those job orders which are late, which matches the parameter list will be listed in log.
- If the value of this parameter is " false " then jobs will be started. Only the names of those job orders which are late, which matches the parameter list will be started.
Issue Links
- relates to
JITL-211 Check orders from a daily plan for latecomers
- Dismissed