Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
- The database access layer is available for individual jobs and ships with JobScheduler
- The Java classes from the SOSHibernateConnection access layer can be used with Java classes and with scripted JavaScript jobs. See the attached job sample sos_hibernate_connection.job.xml
- SOSHibernateConnection is a wrapper class around Hibernate that allows to access a number of DBMS. Basically this class should include the functionality of its predecessor class SOSConnection.
- SOSHibernateConnection includes utility methods such as _GetSingle(), GetArray() etc. that allow simplified access to the result set of a query and that map complex DBMS data types to primitive data types (string, long) that are automatically converted to a scripting language such as JavaScript.
- Support for functions such as %lower(), %upper() etc.
- SOSHibernateConnection should be documented in the same way as its predecessor SOSConnection, see
- SOSHibernateConnection is a wrapper class around Hibernate that allows to access a number of DBMS. Basically this class should include the functionality of its predecessor class SOSConnection.
- For PostgreSQL a method for the COPY function should be included. The COPY function should import files to a database that are available with the client, not with the database server.
- See attached Java sample
Issue Links
- is related to
JITL-324 Retirement of database access layer SOSConnection
- Deprecated