Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Tested on Win 7, JobScheduler 1.9.4
Definition of a settings.ini file and profile in a YADE JITL job with, for example, a file path variable definition, causes some parameters set in the job such as source_host to be ignored. Other parameters, such as operation, log_filename and SendTransferHistory (and the definition of the settings file and profile!) are not ignored. This behavior is inconsistent with other aspects of JS / YADE config where 'mixing' of parameter sources works.
Restricting parameter specification to only one source (i.e. job or settings file) is not seen as a desirable solution.
Zipped config is attached:
- Relevant is the jitl_job_1.job job.
- Run the jade_order_1.order.xml order in the js-tutorials-jade-jitl-job folder.
- The log is attached and shows the wrong source parameters and the error.
See also: