Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Desired Behavior
- For JITL jobs a namespace should be available.
- The namespace identifies a parameter as a parameter for a job or for a job in a speciific state.
- job::JobSchedulerSSHJob/command=dir will provide the parameter command if the current job is JobSchedulerSSHJob.
- job::JobSchedulerSSHJob.700/command=dir will provide the parameter command if the current job is JobSchedulerSSHJob and the current state is 700.
Maintainer Notes
- The value for the job is the value the will be returned by the api call spooler_task.job().name() in lowercases
- Example myjobs/job1
- In a first step this feature allows to specify parameters for job nodes.
- In a later release this feature might be extended to replace the configuration monitor.
List of Jobs that have the ability to specify a namespace for parameters
- JobSchedulerCleanupFiles
- JobSchedulerRemoteCommandJob
- JobSchedulerSubmitEventJob
- JSObjects2GraphvizJSAdapterClass
- SOSXslTransform
- JobSchedulerCanWrite
- JobSchedulerCopyFile
- JobSchedulerCreateFiles
- JobSchedulerExistsFile
- JobSchedulerFolderTreeJSAdapterClass
- JobSchedulerNotExistsFile
- JobSchedulerRemoveFile
- JobSchedulerRenameFile
- JSExistsFileJSAdapterClass
- JobSchedulerPLSQLJobJSAdapterClass
- SOSSQLPlusJobJSAdapterClass
- JobSchedulerCheckRunHistoryJSAdapterClass
- JSReportAllParametersJSAdapterClass
- JobSchedulerXslTransformJSAdapterClass
- JSEventsClientJSAdapterClass
- JobSchedulerCleanupSchedulerDbJSAdapterClass
- JobChainSplitterJSAdapterClass
- JobSchedulerSynchronizeJobChainsJSAdapterClass
- JadeJob
- SOSSSHJob2JSAdapter
Issue Links
- is related to
JITL-105 The jobs sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerSSHJob and sos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJob can both use a "command" parameter
- Released