Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
The JITL SSH job is improved to enable order parameters to be returned by scripts/programs executed in remote sessions.
The desired behavior is the same as for shell jobs with the local machine, e.g. by a shell command such as:
echo myParam=4711 >> $SCHEDULER_RETURN_VALUES
returns the parameter myParam with the value 4711
The SSH job provides
- the environment variable $SCHEDULER_RETURN_VALUES that points to a temporary file
- a configurable behavior to identify a directory for temporary files
- check of standard locations for Unix (/tmp) and Windows (%TEMP%) if these locations exist and are writeable
- an optional parameter to set the directory for temporary files should the default behavior not be applicable (non-Unix, non-Windows systems)
- the capability to read parameters from the temporary file on the remote system and to hand them over to the respective local temporary file as specified by $SCHEDULER_RETURN_VALUES in order to make JobScheduler accept such return values.