package; import*; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.FieldPosition; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.activation.DataSource; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.internet.*; import sos.settings.SOSSettings; import sos.util.*; /** * * @version $Id: 2884 2007-08-07 09:41:42Z gb $ */ public class SOSMail { abstract class My_data_source implements DataSource { final String name; final String content_type; public My_data_source( File new_filename, String content_type ) { = new_filename.getName(); this.content_type = content_type; } public String getContentType() { return content_type; } public String getName () { return name; } public OutputStream getOutputStream() { throw new RuntimeException( getClass().getName() + " hat keinen OutputStream" ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------class File_data_source // Eigene Klasse f�r Attachments, damit close m�glich ist. class File_data_source extends My_data_source { final File file; public File_data_source( File file, String content_type ) { super( file, content_type ); this.file = file; } public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream( file ); file_input_streams.add( f ); // wird von Message.close() geschlossen return f; } } /** Attribut: host: * - Wird im Konstruktor als Parameter �bergeben. * - Kann �ber Settings-Objekt gesetzt werden. * - mit .setHost kann Host gesetzt werden. Es wird dann eine auch eine neue Message-id vergeben. */ protected String host=""; /** Attribut: port: Default=25 * - Wird im Konstruktor als Parameter �bergeben. * - Kann �ber Settings-Objekt gesetzt werden. * - mit .setPort kann Port gesetzt werden. Es wird dann eine auch eine neue Message-id vergeben. */ protected String port="25"; /** Attribut: user: * Zur Verwendung bei SMTP_Server, die eine Autentifizierung verlangen * - Wird im Konstruktor als Parameter �bergeben. * - Kann �ber Settings-Objekt gesetzt werden. * - mit .setUser kann User gesetzt werden. Es wird dann eine auch eine neue Message-id vergeben. */ protected String user=""; /** Attribut: password: * Zur Verwendung bei SMTP_Server, die eine Autentifizierung verlangen * - Wird im Konstruktor als Parameter �bergeben. * - Kann �ber Settings-Objekt gesetzt werden. * - mit .setPassword kann User gesetzt werden. Es wird dann eine auch eine neue Message-id vergeben. */ protected String password=""; /** Attribut: timeout: Default=5000 * * - Wird im Konstruktor als Parameter �bergeben. * - Kann �ber Settings-Objekt gesetzt werden. Dort werden Sekunden angegeben * - mit .setTimeout kann Timeout gesetzt werden. Es wird dann eine auch eine neue Message-id vergeben. */ protected int timeout=5000; /** Attribut: subject * * Kann Variable enthalten, die substituiert werden z.B. &(var). * Siehe Methode substitute * * */ protected String subject=""; protected String from=""; protected String fromName=""; protected String replyTo=""; protected String queueDir=""; protected String body = ""; protected String alternativeBody = ""; protected String language = "de"; protected String dateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy"; protected String datetimeFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"; protected HashMap dateFormats = new HashMap(); protected HashMap datetimeFormats = new HashMap(); /** Attribut: charSet: iso-8859-1, us-ascii f�r Attachments. Wenn leer Wird charset verwendet. */ protected String attachmentCharset = "iso-8859-1"; /** Attribut: charSet: iso-8859-1, us-ascii f�r Body.*/ protected String charset = "iso-8859-1"; protected String alternativeCharset = "iso-8859-1"; /** Mime-Type der Nachricht: text/plain, text/html etc.*/ protected String contentType = "text/plain"; protected String alternativeContentType = "text/html"; /** Attribut: encoding: Codierung des Nachrichteninhalts (Quoted-Printable, Base64) */ protected String encoding = "7bit"; protected String alternativeEncoding = "7bit"; /** Attribut: encoding: Codierung des Anhanges (Quoted-Printable, Base64) */ protected String attachmentEncoding = "Base64"; /** Mime-Type der Nachricht: application/octet-stream, application/pdf etc. */ protected String attachmentContentType = "application/octet-stream"; /** recipient Liste */ protected LinkedList toList = new LinkedList(); /** cc Liste */ protected LinkedList ccList = new LinkedList(); /** bcc Liste */ protected LinkedList bccList = new LinkedList(); /** attachment Liste */ protected TreeMap attachmentList = new TreeMap(); /** Muster f�r eMail-Texte */ protected Properties templates = new Properties(); /** sos settings object */ protected SOSSettings sosSettings = null; /** Tabelle f�r Einstellungen */ protected String tableSettings = "SETTINGS"; /** Tabelle f�r eMail Auftr�ge und Historie */ public static String tableMails = "MAILS"; /** Tabelle f�r eMail Anh�nge */ public static String tableMailAttachments = "MAIL_ATTACHMENTS"; /** Sequenzname der IDs f�r die MAILS Tablle*/ public static String mailsSequence = "MAILS_ID_SEQ"; /** Applikationsname f�r eMail-Einstellungen */ protected String applicationMail = "email"; /** Sektionsname f�r eMail-Einstellungen */ protected String sectionMail = "mail_server"; /** Applikationsname f�r eMail-Templates in Settings */ protected String applicationMailTemplates = "email_templates"; /** Sektionsname f�r eMail-Templates in Settings */ protected String sectionMailTemplates = "mail_templates"; /** Applikationsname f�r eMail-Scripts in Settings */ protected String applicationMailScripts = "email"; /** Sektionsname f�r eMail-Scripts in Settings */ protected String sectionMailScripts = "mail_start_scripts_factory"; /** Applikationsname f�r eMail-Templates der Document Factory in Settings */ protected String applicationMailTemplatesFactory = "email_templates_factory"; /** Sektionsname f�r eMail-Templates der Document Factory in Settings */ protected String sectionMailTemplatesFactory = "mail_templates"; /** Email als byteArray verf�gbar machen */ private boolean sendToOutputStream=false; private byte[] messageBytes; private MimeMessage message = null; private SOSMailAuthenticator authenticator = null; private ArrayList file_input_streams = new ArrayList(); // Alle offenen Attachments, werden von close() geschlossen protected SOSLogger sosLogger=null; private ByteArrayOutputStream raw_email_byte_stream = null; private String lastError=""; private boolean changed=false; private String queuePattern="yyyy-MM-dd.HHmmss.S"; private String queuePraefix="sos."; private String lastGeneratedFileName=""; private String loadedMessageId=""; private boolean messageReady=false; private int priority=-1; private Session session=null; // Konstanten f�r Priorit�ten (in Settings und MAILS Tabelle) public static final int PRIORITY_HIGHEST = 1; public static final int PRIORITY_HIGH = 2; public static final int PRIORITY_NORMAL = 3; public static final int PRIORITY_LOW = 4; public static final int PRIORITY_LOWEST = 5; //Depricated private String filename; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Konstruktor /** * Konstruktor * @param host string Hostname oder IP-Adresse des Mail-Servers * Wird verwendet bei smtp-server ohne Autentifierung * Standardport 25 wird verwendet * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public SOSMail(String host) throws Exception { if (host != null) { = host; } this.init(); } /** * Konstruktor * @param host String Hostname oder IP-Adresse des Mail-Servers * @param user String Name des SMTP-Benutzers * @param pass String Kennwort des SMTP-Benutzers * Wird verwendet bei smtp-server mit Autentifierung * Standardport 25 wird verwendet * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public SOSMail(String host_, String user_, String password_) throws Exception { if (host_ != null) { = host_; } if (user_ != null) { this.user = user_; } if (password_ != null) { this.password = password_; } this.init(); } /** * Konstruktor * @param host String Hostname oder IP-Adresse des Mail-Servers * @param user String Name des SMTP-Benutzers * @param pass String Kennwort des SMTP-Benutzers * Wird verwendet bei smtp-server mit Autentifierung ,wenn der Port festgelegt werden soll * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public SOSMail(String host_, String port_, String user_, String password_) throws Exception { if (host_ != null) { = host_; } if (port_ != null) { this.port = port_; } if (user_ != null) { this.user = user_; } if (password_ != null) { this.password = password_; } this.init(); } /** * Konstruktor * @param sosSettings SOSSettings Einstellungen aus Profile Settings oder Connection Settings * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public SOSMail(SOSSettings sosSettings) throws Exception { this.getSettings(sosSettings); this.init(); } /** * Konstruktor * @param sosSettings SOSSettings Einstellungen aus Profile Settings oder Connection Settings * @param language Sprache f�r Einstellungen * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public SOSMail(SOSSettings sosSettings, String language) throws Exception { this.getSettings(sosSettings, language); this.init(); } /** * Initialisierungen * -ruft initMessage() * -ruf initLanguage() * Wird im Konstruktor gerufen. * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------init public void init() throws Exception { this.dateFormats.put( "de", "dd.MM.yyyy"); this.dateFormats.put( "en", "MM/dd/yyyy"); this.datetimeFormats.put( "de", "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"); this.datetimeFormats.put( "en", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"); this.initLanguage(); this.initMessage(); clearRecipients() ; clearAttachments(); switch(this.priority) { case PRIORITY_HIGHEST: this.setPriorityHighest(); break; case PRIORITY_HIGH: this.setPriorityHigh(); break; case PRIORITY_LOW: this.setPriorityLow(); break; case PRIORITY_LOWEST: this.setPriorityLowest(); break; default: this.setPriorityNormal(); break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------initMessage /** * Initialisierungen * -Autorisierung f�r smtp-Server * -Anlegen des Message-Objekts * -L�schen der Empf�nger- und der Attachmentliste * Wenn ein sosmail-Objekt mehrmach wiederverwendet werden sollen , muss f�r jede Nachricht * .init() gerufen. * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void initMessage() throws Exception { createMessage(createSession()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------createSession /** * Initialisierungen * -Autorisierung f�r smtp-Server * -Anlegen des Message-Objekts * -L�schen der Empf�nger- und der Attachmentliste * Wenn ein sosmail-Objekt mehrmach wiederverwendet werden sollen , muss f�r jede Nachricht * .init() gerufen. * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public Session createSession() throws Exception { Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.put("",; props.put("mail.port", this.port); props.put("mail.smtp.timeout",String.valueOf(timeout)); props.put( "mail.transport.protocol", "smtp"); props.put( "mail.smtp.class", "com.sun.mail.SMTPTransport"); if (!this.user.equals("") && !this.password.equals("")){ props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); authenticator = new SOSMailAuthenticator(this.user,this.password); session = Session.getInstance(props, authenticator); }else{ authenticator = new SOSMailAuthenticator(this.user,this.password); session = Session.getInstance(props, authenticator); } return session; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------createMessage public void createMessage(Session session) throws Exception { message = new MimeMessage(session); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------initLanguage /** * Initialisierungen * -Datumsformat setzen * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void initLanguage() throws Exception { if ( this.dateFormats.containsKey(this.getLanguage()) && this.datetimeFormats.containsKey(this.getLanguage()) ) { this.setDateFormat( this.dateFormats.get(this.getLanguage()).toString()); this.setDatetimeFormat( this.datetimeFormats.get(this.getLanguage()).toString()); } else { this.setDateFormat( this.dateFormats.get("de").toString() ); this.setDatetimeFormat( this.datetimeFormats.get("de").toString() ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------log public void log(String s,int level) throws Exception { s = "SOSMail." + s; // if (sosLogger != null && Math.abs(logLevel) >= Math.abs(level)){ if (sosLogger != null ){ switch(level) { case SOSLogger.DEBUG1: sosLogger.debug1(s); break; case SOSLogger.DEBUG2: sosLogger.debug2(s); break; case SOSLogger.DEBUG3: sosLogger.debug3(s); break; case SOSLogger.DEBUG4: sosLogger.debug4(s); break; case SOSLogger.DEBUG5: sosLogger.debug5(s); break; case SOSLogger.DEBUG6: sosLogger.debug6(s); break; case SOSLogger.DEBUG7: sosLogger.debug7(s); break; case SOSLogger.DEBUG8: sosLogger.debug8(s); break; case SOSLogger.DEBUG9: sosLogger.debug9(s); break; case SOSLogger.INFO:; break; case SOSLogger.WARN: sosLogger.warn(s); break; case SOSLogger.ERROR: sosLogger.error(s); break; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------getSettings /** * Einstellungen f�r eMail-Versand aus Settings * * @param sosSettings SOSSettings Einstellungen aus Profile Settings oder Connection Settings * @param language Sprache fr Einstellungen * @throws java.lang.Exception */ private void getSettings(SOSSettings sosSettings, String language) throws Exception { if ( language != null ) { this.setLanguage(language); } this.getSettings(sosSettings); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------getEntry private String getEntry(String val, Properties entries,String key){ String erg=val; //Do nothing if not exist if (entries.containsKey(key) ) { if ( entries.getProperty(key).length() > 0 ) erg = entries.getProperty(key); } return erg; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------getSettings /** * Einstellungen fr eMail-Versand aus Settings * * @param sosSettings SOSSettings Einstellungen aus Profile Settings oder Connection Settings * @throws java.lang.Exception */ private void getSettings(SOSSettings sosSettings) throws Exception { if (sosSettings == null) throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": missing settings object."); this.sosSettings = sosSettings; Properties entries = this.sosSettings.getSection(this.applicationMail, this.sectionMail); if (entries.size() == 0) throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": missing settings entries in section \"" + this.sectionMail + "\"."); = getEntry(,entries,"host"); this.port = getEntry(this.port,entries,"port"); this.user = getEntry(this.user,entries,"smtp_user"); this.password = getEntry(this.password,entries,"smtp_pass"); this.from = getEntry(this.from,entries,"from"); this.from = getEntry(this.from,entries,"mail_from"); this.fromName = getEntry(this.fromName,entries,"from_name"); this.fromName = getEntry(this.fromName,entries,"mail_from_name"); this.replyTo = getEntry(this.replyTo,entries,"reply_to"); this.replyTo = getEntry(this.replyTo,entries,"mail_reply_to"); this.queueDir = getEntry(this.queueDir,entries,"queue_directory"); this.queueDir = getEntry(this.queueDir,entries,"mail_queue_directory"); String priorityStr = new String("1"); priority = Integer.parseInt(getEntry(priorityStr,entries,"priority")); this.language = getEntry(this.language,entries,"language"); this.subject = getEntry(this.subject,entries,"subject"); this.contentType = getEntry(this.contentType,entries,"content_type"); this.charset = getEntry(this.charset,entries,"charset"); this.encoding = getEntry(this.encoding,entries,"encoding"); this.attachmentEncoding = getEntry(this.attachmentEncoding,entries,"attachment_encoding"); this.attachmentEncoding = getEntry(this.attachmentEncoding,entries,"file_encoding"); if (entries.getProperty("smtp_timeout") != null) { if ( entries.getProperty("smtp_timeout").length() > 0 ) this.timeout = 1000*Integer.parseInt(entries.getProperty("smtp_timeout")); } if (this.from == null && entries.containsKey("mail_from")) { if ( entries.getProperty("mail_from").length() > 0 ) this.from = entries.getProperty("mail_from"); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------getTemplates /** * Muster f�r eMail-Texte * * @param sosSettings SOSSettings Einstellungen aus Profile Settings oder Connection Settings * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public boolean getTemplates(SOSSettings sosSettings, String language) throws Exception { if ( language != null ) this.setLanguage(language); return this.getTemplates(sosSettings); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------getTemplates /** * Muster f�r eMail-Texte * * @param sosSettings SOSSettings Einstellungen aus Profile Settings oder Connection Settings * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public boolean getTemplates(SOSSettings sosSettings) throws Exception { if (sosSettings == null) throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": missing settings object."); this.sosSettings = sosSettings; this.templates = this.sosSettings.getSection(this.getApplicationMailTemplates(), this.getSectionMailTemplates() + "_" + language); if (this.templates.size() == 0) throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": missing settings entries for application \"" + this.applicationMailTemplates + "\" in section \"" + this.sectionMailTemplates + "\"."); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------substituteSubject /** * * @param template Name des Templates * @param replacements HashMap mit Name/Wert-Paaren, der Name wird im Template durch den Wert ersetzt * @param nl2br NewLines durch HTML Breaks ersetzen * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public String substituteSubject(String template, HashMap replacements) throws Exception { if (!this.templates.containsKey(template + "_subject")) { throw (new Exception("substituteSubject(): template does not exist: " + template + "_subject" )); } return substitute( this.templates.get(template + "_subject").toString(), replacements, false ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------substituteBody /** * * @param template Name des Templates * @param replacements HashMap mit Name/Wert-Paaren, der Name wird im Template durch den Wert ersetzt * @param nl2br NewLines durch HTML Breaks ersetzen * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public String substituteBody(String template, HashMap replacements, boolean nl2br) throws Exception { if (!this.templates.containsKey(template + "_body")) { throw (new Exception("substituteBody(): template does not exist: " + template + "_body" )); } return substitute( this.templates.get(template + "_body").toString(), replacements, nl2br ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------substituteBody /** * * @param template Name des Templates * @param replacements HashMap mit Name/Wert-Paaren, der Name wird im Template durch den Wert ersetzt * @param nl2br NewLines durch HTML Breaks ersetzen * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public String substituteBody(String template, HashMap replacements ) throws Exception { if (! this.templates.containsKey(template + "_body")) { throw (new Exception("substituteBody(): template does not exist: " + template + "_body" )); } return substitute( this.templates.get(template + "_body").toString(), replacements, false); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------substitute /** * * @param content String mit beliebigem Inhalt * @param replacements HashMap mit Name/Wert-Paaren, der Name wird im content durch den Wert ersetzt * @param nl2br NewLines durch HTML Breaks ersetzen * @throws java.lang.Exception * @deprecated */ public String substitute(String content, HashMap replacements, boolean nl2br) throws Exception { Object key = null; Object value = null; if (this.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("de")) { this.setDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"); this.setDatetimeFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"); } else if (this.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("en")) { this.setDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); this.setDatetimeFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"); } content = content.replaceAll( "&\\(date\\)", SOSDate.getCurrentDateAsString(this.getDateFormat()) ); content = content.replaceAll( "&\\(datetime\\)", SOSDate.getCurrentTimeAsString(this.getDatetimeFormat()) ); content = content.replaceAll( "&\\#\\(date\\)", SOSDate.getCurrentDateAsString(this.getDateFormat()) ); content = content.replaceAll( "&\\#\\#\\(datetime\\)", SOSDate.getCurrentTimeAsString(this.getDatetimeFormat()) ); if (nl2br) { content = content.replaceAll( "\n", "
"); } if ( replacements != null ) { Iterator keys = replacements.keySet().iterator(); while( keys.hasNext() ) { key =; if ( key != null ) { value = replacements.get(key.toString()); if (value != null ) { try { content = content.replaceAll( "&\\#\\(" + key.toString() + "\\)", SOSDate.getDateAsString(SOSDate.getDate(value.toString()), this.getDateFormat()) ); content = content.replaceAll( "&\\#\\#\\(" + key.toString() + "\\)", SOSDate.getDateTimeAsString(SOSDate.getDate(value.toString()), this.getDatetimeFormat()) ); } catch (Exception ex) {} // ignore this error: replacement is not convertible to date Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault(); try { double doubleValue = Double.parseDouble(value.toString()); if (this.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("de")) { Locale.setDefault(Locale.GERMAN); } else if (this.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("en")) { Locale.setDefault(Locale.US); } DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#,###.00"); content = content.replaceAll( "&\\$\\(" + key.toString() + "\\)", formatter.format(doubleValue).toString() ); } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { Locale.setDefault(defaultLocale); } content = content.replaceAll( "&\\(" + key.toString() + "\\)", value.toString() ); } } } } // remove all variables that were not substituted content = content.replaceAll( "&\\#\\(.*\\)", ""); content = content.replaceAll( "&\\#\\#\\(.*\\)", ""); content = content.replaceAll( "&\\$\\(.*\\)", ""); return content.replaceAll( "&\\(.*\\)", ""); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------addRecipient /** * * @param recipient eMail-Adresse des Empf�ngers * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void addRecipient(String recipient) throws Exception { String token=""; warn ("addRecipient",recipient); if (recipient == null) throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": recipient has no value."); recipient = recipient.replace(',',';'); StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(recipient, ";"); while (t.hasMoreTokens() ) { token = t.nextToken(); if (!toList.contains(token)){ this.toList.add(token); } log(SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + "-->" + token,SOSLogger.DEBUG9); } changed=true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------addCC /** * * @param recipient eMail-Adresse des cc Empf�ngers * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void addCC(String recipient) throws Exception { String token=""; warn ("addCC",recipient); if (recipient == null) throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": CC recipient has no value."); recipient = recipient.replace(',',';'); StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(recipient, ";"); while (t.hasMoreTokens() ) { token = t.nextToken(); if (!toList.contains(token)){ this.ccList.add(token); log(SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + "-->" + token,SOSLogger.DEBUG9); }else{ log(SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + "--> Ignored:" + token,SOSLogger.DEBUG9); } } changed=true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------addBCC /** * * @param recipient eMail-Adresse des bcc Empf�ngers * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void addBCC(String recipient) throws Exception { String token=""; warn ("addBCC",recipient); if (recipient == null) throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": BCC recipient has no value."); recipient = recipient.replace(',',';'); StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(recipient, ";"); while (t.hasMoreTokens() ) { token = t.nextToken(); if (!ccList.contains(token) && !toList.contains(token)){ this.bccList.add(token); log(SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + "-->" + token,SOSLogger.DEBUG9); }else{ log(SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + "--> Ignored:" + token,SOSLogger.DEBUG9); } } changed=true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------closeAttachments private void closeAttachments() throws Exception { Exception exception = null; for( int i = 0; i < file_input_streams.size(); i++ ) { try { ((FileInputStream)file_input_streams.get(i)).close(); } catch( Exception x ) { if( exception == null ) exception = x; } } if( exception != null ) throw exception; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------addAttachment /** * * @param filename Datei fr Anhang * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void addAttachment(SOSMailAttachment att) throws Exception { warn ("addAttachment",att.getFile().getAbsolutePath()); this.attachmentList.put(att.getFile().getAbsolutePath(), att); changed=true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------addAttachment /** * * @param filename Datei fr Anhang * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void addAttachment(String filename) throws Exception { warn ("addAttachment",filename); File f = new File(filename); SOSMailAttachment att = new SOSMailAttachment(this,f); this.attachmentList.put(filename, att); changed=true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------addAttachment /** * * @param filename Datei fr Anhang * @param contentType Content-Type dieses Anhangs * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public void addAttachment(String filename, String params) throws Exception { String name=""; String value=""; String token=""; int counter=0; warn ("addAttachment",filename + "(" +params +")"); StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(params, ","); File f = new File(filename); SOSMailAttachment att = new SOSMailAttachment(this,f); while (t.hasMoreTokens()) { token = t.nextToken(); StringTokenizer vv = new StringTokenizer(token, "="); if (vv.countTokens()==1){ name = "content-type"; value = vv.nextToken(); counter +=1; }else{ name = vv.nextToken().trim(); try{ value = vv.nextToken().trim(); }catch (NoSuchElementException e){ value=""; } } if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("content-type")){ att.setContentType(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("charset")){ att.setCharset(value); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("encoding")){ att.setEncoding(value); }else{ throw new Exception("USING of .addAttachment is wrong. ==> " + params + ", rigth using is: [content-type-value],[content-type=],[charset=],[encoding=]"); } if (counter > 1 ){ throw new Exception("USING of .addAttachment is wrong. ==> " + params + ", rigth using is: [content-type-value],[content-type=],[charset=],[encoding=]"); } } this.attachmentList.put(filename, att); changed=true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------add_file private void add_file( SOSMailAttachment att ) throws Exception { if( !att.getFile().exists() ) throw new Exception( "Datei "+ att.getFile().getAbsolutePath() + " fehlt" ); MimeBodyPart attachment = new MimeBodyPart(); DataSource data_source = new File_data_source( att.getFile(), att.getContentType() ); DataHandler data_handler = new DataHandler( data_source ); attachment.setDataHandler( data_handler ); attachment.setFileName ( att.getFile().getName() ); //Charset des Attachments setzen, wenn content_type text/ ist if (att.getContentType().startsWith("text/")){ // Charset macht nur Sinn bei text/ String s = ""; FileReader fr = new FileReader( att.getFile() ); for ( int c; ( c = ) != -1; ) s += ( (char) c ); attachment.setText(s,att.getCharset()); fr.close(); } Object m = message.getContent(); if( !( m instanceof MimeMultipart ) ) throw new RuntimeException( getClass().getName() + "mime_message.getContent() liefert nicht MimeMultiPart" ); ((MimeMultipart)m).addBodyPart( attachment ); attachment.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", att.getEncoding()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------loadFile public void loadFile(File messageFile) throws Exception { FileInputStream messageInputStream= null; try { messageInputStream = new FileInputStream(messageFile); message = new MimeMessage( createSession(), messageInputStream ); loadedMessageId = message.getMessageID(); raw_email_byte_stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); message.writeTo( raw_email_byte_stream ); messageBytes = raw_email_byte_stream.toByteArray(); messageReady=true; } catch( Exception x ){ throw new Exception( "Fehler beim Lesen der eMail. " + messageFile ); } finally{ if (messageInputStream != null){ messageInputStream.close(); } } } public void unloadMessage(){ messageReady = false; loadedMessageId = ""; message=null; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------send /** * Nachricht versenden * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public boolean send() throws Exception { return sendJavaMail(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------send /** * Nachricht vorbereiten: Nicht senden * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public boolean send(boolean send) throws Exception { if (send){ return send(); }else{ return prepareJavaMail(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------sendJavaMail /** * Nachricht mit JavaMail-Funktionen versenden * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ private boolean sendJavaMail() throws Exception { try { prepareJavaMail(); String sTO = this.getRecipientsAsString(); String logMessage = SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + "-->" + "sending email:" + " host:port=" + host + ":" + port + " to=" + sTO; String sCC = this.getCCsAsString(); if (!sCC.equals("")){ logMessage += " sCC=" + sCC; } String sBCC = this.getBCCsAsString(); if (!sBCC.equals("")){ logMessage += " sBCC=" + sBCC; } log(logMessage,SOSLogger.INFO); log(SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + "-->" + "Subject=" + this.subject,SOSLogger.DEBUG6); log (SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + "-->" + dumpHeaders(),SOSLogger.DEBUG6); log (SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + "-->" + dumpMessageAsString(false),SOSLogger.DEBUG9); // -------------------------------------------------------------- if (!sendToOutputStream){ // Hier kann nicht die statische Methode Transport.send verwendet werden, da diese ein // implizites saveChanges macht. Das f�hrt zu einer neuen Vergabe einer Message-Id, so dass diese // m�glicherweise nicht mit der aus dumpMessageToFile �bereinstimmt. Transport t = session.getTransport("smtp"); System.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", this.port); t.connect(,this.user,this.password); t.sendMessage(message,message.getAllRecipients()); t.close(); raw_email_byte_stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); message.writeTo( raw_email_byte_stream ); messageBytes = raw_email_byte_stream.toByteArray(); changed = true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- return true; } catch (javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException ee) { this.lastError = "AuthenticationFailedException while connecting to " + host + ":" + port + " " + user + "/********" ; dumpMessageToFile(true); return false; } catch (javax.mail.MessagingException e) { // ist ein Fehler, bei dem es lohnt, zwischenzuspeichern? if ((queueDir.length()>0 && e.getMessage().startsWith("Could not connect to SMTP host") || e.getMessage().startsWith("Unknown SMTP host") || e.getMessage().startsWith("Read timed out") || e.getMessage().startsWith("Exception reading response")) ){ this.lastError = e.getMessage() + " ==> "+ host + ":" + port + " " + user + "/********" ; dumpMessageToFile(true); return false; }else{ throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": error occurred on send: " + e.toString() ); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e){ if (queueDir.length()>0 ){ this.lastError = e.getMessage() + " ==> "+ host + ":" + port + " " + user + "/********" ; dumpMessageToFile(true); return false; }else{ throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": error occurred on send: " + e.toString() ); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": error occurred on send: " + e.toString() ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------haveAlternative private boolean haveAlternative(){ return (!this.alternativeBody.equals("") && this.attachmentList.isEmpty()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------prepareJavaMail /** * Nachricht mit JavaMail-Funktionen versenden * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ protected boolean prepareJavaMail() throws Exception { try { if (messageReady ){ message.saveChanges(); return true; } if (!changed ){ return true; } changed = false; if (this.getContentType().equals("text/html")) { this.body = this.body.replaceAll("\\\\n", "
"); }else { this.body = this.body.replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n"); } String t = ""; if (this.toList.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": no recipient specified."); } if (this.from == null || this.from.length() == 0) { throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": no sender specified."); } if ( this.fromName != null && this.fromName.length() > 0 ) { message.setFrom( new InternetAddress(this.from, this.fromName) ); } else { message.setFrom( new InternetAddress(this.from) ); } message.setSentDate( new Date() ); if (this.replyTo != null && this.replyTo.length() > 0) { InternetAddress fromAddrs[] = new InternetAddress[1]; fromAddrs[0] = new InternetAddress(this.replyTo); message.setReplyTo( fromAddrs ); } if (!this.toList.isEmpty()) { InternetAddress toAddrs[] = new InternetAddress[toList.size()]; int i = 0; for (ListIterator e = this.toList.listIterator(); e.hasNext();) { t =; toAddrs[i++] = new InternetAddress(t); } message.setRecipients(MimeMessage.RecipientType.TO, toAddrs ); } if (!this.ccList.isEmpty()) { InternetAddress toAddrs[] = new InternetAddress[ccList.size()]; int i = 0; for (ListIterator e = this.ccList.listIterator(); e.hasNext();) { t =; toAddrs[i++] = new InternetAddress(t); } message.setRecipients(MimeMessage.RecipientType.CC, toAddrs ); } if (!this.bccList.isEmpty()) { InternetAddress toAddrs[] = new InternetAddress[bccList.size()]; int i = 0; for (ListIterator e = this.bccList.listIterator(); e.hasNext(); ) { t =; toAddrs[i++] = new InternetAddress(t); } message.setRecipients(MimeMessage.RecipientType.BCC, toAddrs ); } if (this.subject != null) { message.setSubject(this.subject); } // send the attachments if (! this.attachmentList.isEmpty() || !this.alternativeBody.equals("")) { // Multipart nur bei Attachments! // send the body MimeBodyPart bodypart = null; MimeBodyPart alternativeBodypart = null; MimeMultipart multipart = null; if (this.haveAlternative()){ multipart = new MimeMultipart("alternative"); }else{ multipart = new MimeMultipart(); } bodypart = new MimeBodyPart(); if (contentType.startsWith("text/")){ bodypart.setContent( this.body,this.contentType + ";charset= " + this.charset); }else{ bodypart.setContent( this.body,this.contentType); } multipart.addBodyPart(bodypart); // Alternativer Body gesetzt? Nur wenn keine Attachments vorhanden!!! if (this.haveAlternative()){ alternativeBodypart = new MimeBodyPart(); if (contentType.startsWith("text/")){ alternativeBodypart.setContent( this.alternativeBody,this.alternativeContentType + ";charset= " + this.alternativeCharset); }else{ alternativeBodypart.setContent( this.alternativeBody,this.alternativeContentType); } multipart.addBodyPart(alternativeBodypart); } message.setContent(multipart); // Encoding nur f�r Bodypart setzen bodypart.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", encoding); if (alternativeBodypart != null) { alternativeBodypart.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", alternativeEncoding); } for (Iterator i = this.attachmentList.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { SOSMailAttachment attachment = (SOSMailAttachment); String content_type = attachment.getContentType(); if( content_type == null ) throw new Exception( "content_type ist null" ); log(SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + "-->" + "Attachment=" + attachment.getFile(),SOSLogger.DEBUG6); add_file( attachment ); } }else{ message.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", encoding); //Wenn content_type des body <> text_plain, dann content_type setzen if (contentType.startsWith("text/")){ message.setContent( this.body,this.contentType + "; charset=" + this.charset); }else{ message.setContent( this.body,this.contentType); } } message.saveChanges(); closeAttachments(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": error occurred on send: " + e.toString() ); } finally { } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------dumpHeaders public String dumpHeaders() throws IOException, MessagingException{ String s = ""; for (Enumeration e = message.getAllHeaders(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { Header header = (Header) e.nextElement(); s += "\n" + header.getName() + ": " + header.getValue(); } return s; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------messageRemoveAttachments private ByteArrayOutputStream messageRemoveAttachments() throws Exception{ ByteArrayOutputStream raw_email_byte_stream_without_attachment = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Attachments entfernen MimeMessage mm = new MimeMessage(message); Object mmpo=mm.getContent(); if ( ( mmpo instanceof MimeMultipart ) ){ MimeMultipart mmp= (MimeMultipart) mmpo; if (mm.isMimeType("text/plain")) { } else if (mm.isMimeType("multipart/*")) { mmp=(MimeMultipart)mm.getContent(); for (int i = 1; i < mmp.getCount(); i++) { BodyPart part = mmp.getBodyPart(i); mmp.removeBodyPart(i); i--; } } // mm.setContent(mmp); mm.saveChanges(); } mm.writeTo(raw_email_byte_stream_without_attachment); return raw_email_byte_stream_without_attachment; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------dumpMessageAsString public String dumpMessageAsString() throws Exception{ return dumpMessageAsString(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------dumpMessageToFile private void dumpMessageToFile(boolean withAttachment) throws Exception{ Date d = new Date(); StringBuffer bb = new StringBuffer(); SimpleDateFormat s = new SimpleDateFormat(queuePattern); FieldPosition fp = new FieldPosition(0); StringBuffer b = s.format(d,bb,fp); lastGeneratedFileName = queueDir + "/" + queuePraefix + b + ".email"; File f = new File(lastGeneratedFileName); while (f.exists()){ b = s.format(d,bb,fp); lastGeneratedFileName = queueDir + "/" + queuePraefix + b + ".email"; f = new File(lastGeneratedFileName); } dumpMessageToFile(f, withAttachment); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------dumpMessageToFile public void dumpMessageToFile(String filename, boolean withAttachment) throws Exception{ dumpMessageToFile(new File(filename), withAttachment); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------dumpMessageToFile public void dumpMessageToFile(File file, boolean withAttachment) throws Exception{ try{ this.prepareJavaMail(); File myFile = new File(file.getAbsolutePath() + "~"); FileOutputStream out= new FileOutputStream(myFile, true); out.write(dumpMessage(withAttachment)); out.close(); String newFilename = myFile.getAbsolutePath().substring(0,myFile.getAbsolutePath().length()-1); File f = new File(newFilename); f.delete(); myFile.renameTo(f); }catch (Exception e){ throw new Exception(SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": error occurred on dump: " + e.toString() ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------dumpMessageAsString public String dumpMessageAsString(boolean withAttachment) throws Exception{ byte[] bytes; ByteArrayOutputStream raw_email_byte_stream_without_attachment = null; this.prepareJavaMail(); if (!withAttachment){ raw_email_byte_stream_without_attachment = messageRemoveAttachments(); } raw_email_byte_stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); message.writeTo( raw_email_byte_stream ); if (withAttachment || raw_email_byte_stream_without_attachment==null ){ bytes = raw_email_byte_stream.toByteArray(); }else{ bytes = raw_email_byte_stream_without_attachment.toByteArray(); } String s = new String (bytes); return s; } public byte[] dumpMessage() throws Exception{ return dumpMessage(true); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------dumpMessage public byte[] dumpMessage(boolean withAttachment) throws Exception{ byte[] bytes; ByteArrayOutputStream raw_email_byte_stream_without_attachment = null; this.prepareJavaMail(); if (!withAttachment){ raw_email_byte_stream_without_attachment = messageRemoveAttachments(); } raw_email_byte_stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); message.writeTo( raw_email_byte_stream ); if (withAttachment || raw_email_byte_stream_without_attachment==null ){ bytes = raw_email_byte_stream.toByteArray(); }else{ bytes = raw_email_byte_stream_without_attachment.toByteArray(); } return bytes; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Getter/Setter public LinkedList getRecipients(){ return toList; } // Liefert die Recipients aus dem Message-Objekt, wenn das Message-Objekt mit loadFile erzeugt wurde. // Sonst werden die mit addRecipients hinzugef�gten Empf�nger geliefert. public String getRecipientsAsString() throws MessagingException{ String s = " "; if (messageReady){ Address[] addresses = message.getRecipients(MimeMessage.RecipientType.TO); if (addresses != null){ for (int i = 0;i -1 && name.indexOf('>') > -1 ) { return name; } else { return '<' + name + '>'; } } /** * setzt den Timeout fr den Verbindungsaufbau zum Mail-Server * @param timeout fr Verbindungsaufbau zum Mail-Server (inaktiv) */ public void setTimeout(int timeout) throws Exception { this.timeout = timeout; this.initMessage(); } /** * liefert den Timeout fr den Verbindungsaufbau zum Mail-Server */ public int getTimeout() { return this.timeout; } /** * liefert die Sprache fr eMail-Mustertexte und Datums-/Zeitformate */ public String getLanguage() { return this.language; } /** * setzt die Sprache fr eMail-Mustertexte und Datums-/Zeitformate * @param language Sprache fr eMail-Muster (en, de, default:de) */ public void setLanguage(String language) throws Exception { this.language = language; this.initLanguage(); } /** * liefert das Datumsformat fr Datumsersetzungen im Text der eMail */ public String getDateFormat() { return this.dateFormat; } /** * setzt das Datumsformat fr Datumsersetzungen im Text der eMail * @param dateFormat Datumsformat, z.B. dd.MM.yyyy */ public void setDateFormat(String dateFormat) { this.dateFormat = dateFormat; } /** * liefert das Datums- und Zeitformat fr Datumsersetzungen im Text der eMail */ public String getDatetimeFormat() { return this.datetimeFormat; } /** * setzt das Datums- und Zeitformat fr Datumsersetzungen im Text der eMail * @param datetimeFormat Datumsformat, z.B. dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss */ public void setDatetimeFormat(String datetimeFormat) { this.datetimeFormat = datetimeFormat; } /** * setzt das Encoding der eMail * @param encoding */ public void setEncoding(String encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; warn ("encoding",encoding); changed=true; } /** * liefert das Encoding der eMail */ public String getEncoding() { return this.encoding; } /** * setzt das Character-Set der eMail * @param charset */ public void setCharset(String charset) { this.charset = charset; warn ("charset",charset); changed=true; } /** * liefert das Character-Set der eMail */ public String getCharset() { return this.charset; } /** * setzt den Content-Type der eMail * @param contentType Content-Type der eMail */ public void setContentType(String contentType) { this.contentType = contentType; warn ("contentType",contentType); changed=true; } /** * liefert den Content-Type der eMail */ public String getContentType() { return this.contentType; } /** * setzt den Content-Type fr Attachments * @param attachmentContentType Default fr Content-Type der Attachments */ public void setAttachmentContentType(String attachmentContentType) { this.attachmentContentType = attachmentContentType; warn ("attachmentContentType",attachmentContentType); changed=true; } /** * liefert den Content-Type fr Attachments */ public String getAttachmentContentType() { return this.attachmentContentType; } /** * @return Returns the host. */ public String getHost() { return host; } /** * @return Returns the port. */ public String getPort() { return port; } /** * setzt den Namen des Verzeichnisses f�r zwischengespeicherte eMails * @param queueDir String Verzeichnis zum Zwischenspeichern von eMails */ public void setQueueDir(String queueDir) { this.queueDir = queueDir; } /** * liefert den Namen des Verzeichnisses f�r zwischengespeicherte eMails */ public String getQueueDir() { return this.queueDir; } /** * setzt den Inhalt des Betreffs * @param subject Betreff */ public void setSubject(String subject) { this.subject = subject; warn ("subject",subject); changed=true; } /** * liefert den Inhalt des Betreffs */ public String getSubject() { return this.subject; } /** * setzt die eMail-Adresse des Absenders * @param from Absender der eMail */ public void setFrom(String from) { this.from = from; warn ("from",from); changed=true; } /** * liefert die eMail-Adresse des Absenders */ public String getFrom() { return this.from; } /** * liefert den Namen des Absenders */ public String getFromName() { return this.fromName; } /** * setzt den Namen des Absenders * @param fromName Absender der eMail */ public void setFromName(String fromName) { this.fromName = fromName; warn ("fromName",fromName); changed=true; } /** * setzt die eMail-Adresse f�r R�ckantworten * @param replyTo Empf�nger f�r R�ckantworten */ public void setReplyTo(String replyTo) { this.replyTo = replyTo; warn ("replyTo",replyTo); changed=true; } /** * liefert die eMail-Adresse f�r R�ckantworten */ public String getReplyTo() { return this.replyTo; } public void setBody(String body) { this.body = body; warn ("body",body); changed=true; } /** * liefert den Inhalt des eMail-Texts */ public String getBody() { return this.body; } /** * setzt den Namen der Applikation fr eMail-Einstellungen in der Tabelle der Einstellungen * @param applicationMail Name der Applikation fr eMail-Einstellungen in der Einstellungstabelle */ public void setApplicationMail(String applicationMail) { this.applicationMail = applicationMail; } /** * liefert den Namen der Applikation fr eMail-Einstellungen in der Tabelle der Einstellungen */ public String getApplicationMail() { return this.applicationMail; } /** * setzt den Namen der Sektion fr eMail-Einstellungen in der Tabelle der Einstellungen * @param sectionMail Name der Sektion fr eMail-Einstellungen in der Einstellungstabelle */ public void setSectionMail(String sectionMail) { this.sectionMail = sectionMail; } /** * liefert den Namen der Sektion fr eMail-Einstellungen in der Tabelle der Einstellungen */ public String getSectionMail() { return this.sectionMail; } /** * setzt den Namen der Applikation fr Mustertexte in der Tabelle der Einstellungen * @param applicationMailTemplates Name der Applikation fr eMail-Muster in der Einstellungstabelle */ public void setApplicationMailTemplates(String applicationMailTemplates) { this.applicationMailTemplates = applicationMailTemplates; } /** * liefert den Namen der Applikation fr Mustertexte in der Tabelle der Einstellungen */ public String getApplicationMailTemplates() { return this.applicationMailTemplates; } /** * setzt den Namen der Applikation fr eMail Vorlagen der Factory in der Tabelle der Einstellungen * @param applicationMailTemplates Name der Applikation fr eMail Vorlagen der Factory in der Einstellungstabelle */ public void setApplicationMailTemplatesFactory(String applicationMailTemplates) { this.applicationMailTemplatesFactory = applicationMailTemplates; } /** * liefert den Namen der Applikation f�r eMail Vorlagen der Factory in der Tabelle der Einstellungen */ public String getApplicationMailTemplatesFactory() { return this.applicationMailTemplatesFactory; } /** * setzt den Namen der Sektion fr Mustertexte in der Tabelle der Einstellungen * @param sectionMailTemplates Name der Sektion fr eMail-Muster in der Einstellungstabelle */ public void setSectionMailTemplates(String sectionMailTemplates) { this.sectionMailTemplates = sectionMailTemplates; } /** * liefert den Namen der Sektion fr Mustertexte in der Tabelle der Einstellungen */ public String getSectionMailTemplates() { return this.sectionMailTemplates; } /** * setzt den Namen der Sektion f�r eMail Vorlagen der Factory in der Tabelle der Einstellungen * @param sectionMailTemplates Name der Sektion f�r eMail Vorlagen der Factory in der Einstellungstabelle */ public void setSectionMailTemplatesFactory(String sectionMailTemplatesFactory) { this.sectionMailTemplatesFactory = sectionMailTemplatesFactory; } /** * liefert den Namen der Sektion f�r eMail Vorlagen der Factory in der Tabelle der Einstellungen */ public String getSectionMailTemplatesFactory() { return this.sectionMailTemplatesFactory; } /** * setzt den Namen der Sektion f�r Scripte in der Tabelle der Einstellungen * @param sectionMailTemplates Name der Sektion f�r eMail-Scripte in der Einstellungstabelle */ public void setSectionMailScripts(String sectionMailScripts) { this.sectionMailScripts = sectionMailScripts; } /** * liefert den Namen der Sektion f�r eMail Scripte in der Tabelle der Einstellungen */ public String getSectionMailScripts() { return this.sectionMailScripts; } /** * setzt den Namen der Applikation f�r Scripte in der Tabelle der Einstellungen * @param sectionMailTemplates Name der Applikation f�r eMail-Scripte in der Einstellungstabelle */ public void setApplicationMailScripts(String applicationMailScripts) { this.applicationMailScripts = applicationMailScripts; } /** * liefert den Namen der Applikation f�r eMail Scripte in der Tabelle der Einstellungen */ public String getApplicationMailScripts() { return this.applicationMailScripts; } /** * liefert den Namen der Tabelle mit Einstellungen * @param tableSettings */ public void setTableSettings(String tableSettings) { this.tableSettings = tableSettings; } /** * liefert den Namen der Tabelle mit Einstellungen */ public String getTableSettings() { return this.tableSettings; } /** * @return Returns the messageBytes. */ public byte[] getMessageBytes() { return messageBytes; } /** * Email nicht senden sondern als bytes [] verf�gbar machen (message_bytes) * @param sendToOutputStream The sendToOutputStream to set. */ public void setSendToOutputStream(boolean sendToOutputStream) { this.sendToOutputStream = sendToOutputStream; } /** * @param attachmentEncoding The attachmentEncoding to set. */ public void setattachmentEncoding(String attachmentEncoding) { this.attachmentEncoding = attachmentEncoding; warn ("attachmentEncoding",attachmentEncoding); changed=true; } /** * @return Returns the message. */ public MimeMessage getMessage() { return message; } /** * @return Returns the lastError. */ public String getLastError() { return lastError; } /** * @return Returns the attachmentEncoding. */ public String getAttachmentEncoding() { return attachmentEncoding; } /** * @return Returns the attachmentCharset. */ public String getAttachmentCharset() { return attachmentCharset; } /** * @param attachmentCharset The attachmentCharset to set. */ public void setAttachmentCharset(String attachmentCharset) { this.attachmentCharset = attachmentCharset; warn ("attachmentCharset",attachmentCharset); changed=true; } /** * @param attachmentEncoding The attachmentEncoding to set. */ public void setAttachmentEncoding(String attachmentEncoding) { this.attachmentEncoding = attachmentEncoding; warn ("attachmentEncoding",attachmentEncoding); changed=true; } public void setHost(String host) throws Exception { = host; this.initMessage(); } public void setPassword(String password) throws Exception { this.password = password; this.initMessage(); } public void setUser(String user) throws Exception { this.user = user; this.initMessage(); } public void setPort(String port) throws Exception { this.port = port; this.initMessage(); } public void setPriorityHighest() throws MessagingException{ message.setHeader("X-Priority","1 (Highest)"); message.setHeader("X-MSMail-Priority","Highest"); message.setHeader("Priority","urgent"); changed=true; } public void setPriorityHigh() throws MessagingException{ message.setHeader("X-Priority","2 (High)"); message.setHeader("X-MSMail-Priority","Highest"); message.setHeader("Priority","urgent"); changed=true; } public void setPriorityNormal() throws MessagingException{ message.setHeader("X-Priority","3 (Normal)"); message.setHeader("X-MSMail-Priority","Normal"); message.setHeader("Priority","normal"); changed=true; } public void setPriorityLow() throws MessagingException{ message.setHeader("X-Priority","4 (Low)"); message.setHeader("X-MSMail-Priority","Low"); message.setHeader("Priority","non-urgent"); changed=true; } public void setPriorityLowest() throws MessagingException{ message.setHeader("X-Priority","5 (Lowest)"); message.setHeader("X-MSMail-Priority","Low"); message.setHeader("Priority","non-urgent"); changed=true; } public void setAlternativeBody(String alternativeBody) { this.alternativeBody = alternativeBody; } public void setAlternativeCharset(String alternativeCharset) { this.alternativeCharset = alternativeCharset; } public void setAlternativeContentType(String alternativeContentType) { this.alternativeContentType = alternativeContentType; } public String getQueuePraefix() { return queuePraefix; } public String getLastGeneratedFileName() { return lastGeneratedFileName; } public void setQueuePraefix(String queuePraefix) { this.queuePraefix = queuePraefix; } public String getLoadedMessageId() { return loadedMessageId; } /** * @param sosLogger The sosLogger to set. */ public void setSOSLogger(SOSLogger sosLogger) { this.sosLogger = sosLogger; } private void warn(String n,String v) { if (this.messageReady){ try { log("...setting of " + n+"="+v + " will not be used. Loaded Message will be sent unchanged.", SOSStandardLogger.WARN); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Nachricht mit nativen Mail-Funktionen versenden * * @throws java.lang.Exception * @deprecated Not further supported */ public String sendNative() throws Exception { Socket socket = null; String boundary = "DataSeparatorString"; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); try { if ( == null || == 0) { throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": host has no value."); } if (this.port == null || this.port.length() == 0) { throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": port has no value."); } if (this.toList.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": no recipient specified."); } if (this.from == null || this.from.length() == 0) { throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": no sender specified."); } socket = new Socket(, Integer.parseInt(this.port)); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "8859_1")); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter (new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), "8859_1")); sendLine(in, out, "HELO " +; if ( this.fromName != null && this.fromName.length() > 0 && this.from != null && this.from.length() > 0 ) { sendLine(in, out, "MAIL FROM: " + this.fromName + getQuotedName(this.from)); } else if ( this.from != null && this.from.length() > 0 ){ sendLine(in, out, "MAIL FROM: " + getQuotedName(this.from)); } // if (!this.toList.isEmpty()) { // for (Enumeration e = this.toList.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { // sendLine(in, out, "RCPT TO: " + getQuotedName(e.nextElement().toString()) ); // } // } sendLine(in, out, "DATA"); sendLine(out, "MIME-Version: 1.0"); if ( this.fromName != null && this.fromName.length() > 0 && this.from != null && this.from.length() > 0 ) { sendLine(out, "From: " + this.fromName + getQuotedName(this.from)); } else if ( this.from != null && this.from.length() > 0 ){ sendLine(out, "From: " + getQuotedName(this.from)); } if (this.replyTo != null && this.replyTo.length() > 0) { sendLine(out, "Reply-To: " + getQuotedName(this.replyTo)); } if (!this.toList.isEmpty()) { sb = new StringBuffer(""); for (ListIterator e = this.toList.listIterator(); e.hasNext();) { sb.append(getQuotedName(; if (e.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sendLine(out, "To: " + sb); } if (!this.ccList.isEmpty()) { sb = new StringBuffer(""); for (ListIterator e = this.ccList.listIterator(); e.hasNext();) { sb.append(getQuotedName(; if (e.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sendLine(out, "Cc: " + sb); } if (!this.bccList.isEmpty()) { sb = new StringBuffer(""); for (ListIterator e = this.bccList.listIterator(); e.hasNext(); ) { sb.append(getQuotedName(; if (e.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sendLine(out, "Bcc: " + sb); } if (this.subject != null) { sendLine(out, "Subject: " + this.subject); } sendLine(out, "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"" + boundary + "\""); sendLine(out, "\r\n--" + boundary); // send the body if (this.contentType != null && this.contentType.length() > 0) { sendLine(out, "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"" + this.charset + "\""); } if (this.encoding != null) { sendLine(out, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: " + this.encoding); } sendLine(out, "\r\n" + this.body + "\r\n\r\n"); // send the attachments if (!this.attachmentList.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator i = this.attachmentList.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String[] attachment = new String[2]; attachment = (String[]); sendLine(out, "\r\n--" + boundary ); sendLine(out, "Content-Type: " + attachment[1] + "; name=\"" + new File(attachment[0]).getName() + "\""); sendLine(out, "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" + attachment[0] + "\""); sendLine(out, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: " + this.attachmentEncoding + "\r\n"); SOSMimeBase64.encode(attachment[0], out); } } sendLine(out, "\r\n\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n"); sendLine(in, out, "."); sendLine(in, out, "QUIT"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": error occurred on send: " + e.toString() ); } finally { if ( socket != null ) { socket.close(); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Nachricht versenden mit hostWare * * @deprecated Not further supported * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public String sendHostware() throws Exception { sos.hostware.File file = new sos.hostware.File(); StringBuffer sb; try { sb = new StringBuffer("-out mail "); if ( != null && this.port != null) { sb.append("-smtp=" + + ":" + this.port + " "); } else if ( != null) { sb.append("-smtp=" + + " "); } if ( this.fromName != null && this.fromName.length() > 0 && this.from != null && this.from.length() > 0 ) { sb.append("-from='" + this.fromName + "<" + this.from + ">' "); } else if ( this.from != null && this.from.length() > 0 ){ sb.append("-from='" + this.from + "' "); } if (!this.toList.isEmpty()) { sb.append("-to='"); for (ListIterator e = this.toList.listIterator(); e.hasNext(); ) { sb.append(; if (e.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append("' "); } if (!this.ccList.isEmpty()) { sb.append("-cc='"); for (ListIterator e = this.ccList.listIterator(); e.hasNext(); ) { sb.append(; if (e.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append("' "); } if (!this.bccList.isEmpty()) { sb.append("-bcc='"); for (ListIterator e = this.bccList.listIterator(); e.hasNext(); ) { sb.append(; if (e.hasNext()) { sb.append(","); } } sb.append("' "); } if (this.replyTo != null) { sb.append("-reply-to='" + this.replyTo + "' "); } if (this.subject != null) { sb.append("-subject='" + this.subject + "' "); } if (this.filename != null) { sb.append("-filename='" + this.filename + "' "); } if (this.encoding != null) { sb.append("-encoding='" + this.encoding + "' "); } // not supported if (this.contentType != null && this.attachmentList.isEmpty()) { sb.append("-content-type='" + this.contentType + "' "); } // if (this.autoDequeue ) { // automatic dequeueing not supported // sb.append("-dequeue-mail "); // } if (this.queueDir != null) { sb.append("-queue-dir='" + this.queueDir + "' "); } if (!this.attachmentList.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator i = this.attachmentList.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String[] attachment = new String[2]; attachment = (String[]); sb.append( "-attach='(-content-type=" + attachment[1] + " " + attachment[0] + ")' "); } }; file.put_line(this.body); file.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ": error occurred on send: " + e.toString() ); } finally { if (file != null) file.destruct(); } return sb.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // SOSMail sosMail = new SOSMail("dod.sos","25","sos","sos"); SOSMail sosMail = new SOSMail("smtp.sos"); sosMail.setPriorityLowest(); sosMail.setQueueDir("c:/"); sosMail.setFrom(""); // sosMail.setContentType("text/plain"); sosMail.setEncoding("8bit"); sosMail.setattachmentEncoding("Base64"); //sosMail.addRecipient(""); // sosMail.setCharset("us-ascii"); sosMail.setSubject("Betreff"); sosMail.setReplyTo(""); String s = "Hello\\nWorld"; sosMail.setBody(s); sosMail.addRecipient(""); //sosMail.addAttachment("c:\\windows\\sos.ini"); // sosMail.setAlternativeBody("Nachricht2"); // sosMail.dumpMessageToFile(new File("c:/3.msg"),true); SOSStandardLogger sosLogger = new SOSStandardLogger(SOSStandardLogger.DEBUG9); sosMail.setSOSLogger(sosLogger); sosMail.setPriorityLowest(); //sosMail.getMessage().setHeader("Return-Path","<>"); //sosMail.getMessage().setHeader("X-SOSMAIL-delivery-counter","1"); if (!sosMail.send()){ sosMail.log(SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + "-->" + sosMail.getLastError(),SOSLogger.WARN); }else{ //sosMail.dumpMessageToFile(new File("c:/4.msg"),false); //sosMail.log("==>Original-Message-id Vergleiche 4.msg:" + sosMail.getMessage().getMessageID(),SOSStandardLogger.INFO); } sosMail.clearRecipients(); } }