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  1. JS - JobScheduler
  2. JS-2145

Use metrics for selection of a Subagent




      Current Situation

      • Subagent Clusters can be configured for fixed-priority (active-passive) execution and for round-robin (active-active) execution of jobs.
      • Users would like to add to this scheme selection of Subagents based on metrics.

      Desired Behavior

      • Basically, all available Subagents are candidates for execution of the next job.
      • Subagent Plugin
        • A plugin mechanism allows implementation of a Java class that is executed by the Subgent
          • to collect metrics at an ongoing basis that remain with the plugin:
            • CPU consumption,
            • memory consumption.
          • to provide indicators from existing metrics, for example 80 to indicate 80% average CPU consumption during the last 2 minutes. The plugin returns indicators when requested by the Subagent.
        • Later versions of JS7 will offer an internal interface for Plugins.
      • Director Agent
        • The Director Agent asks Subagents for indicators when needed.
        • Additional indicators are provided by the Director Agent:
          • number of running jobs,
          • number of jobs running per Subagent in a Subagent Cluster
        • The Director Agent will check indicators provided by Subagents to decide which Subagent should execute the next job. If a Subagent does not respond within 0.5s then it is not considered for execution of the next job.
      • Subagent Cluster
        • The Subagent Cluster configuration is improved to allow specification of an expression for the priority attribute of each Subagent:
          • An expression language is added that offers algebraic functions to be used for the priority.
        • Examples
          • Example to consider the Subagent with the least number of tasks running for the given Subagent Cluster
          • Example to consider Subagents only that do not run a task in the given Subagent Cluster
            -( $subagentClusterTasks )
          • Example for least consumption of CPU (weighted by 2) & Memory and least overall number of tasks running in the Subagent (weighted by 3):
            -1 / ( $cpu*2 + $memory + $tasks*3 )
        • The Subagent with the lowest priority value will be used for the next task. If the expression evaluates to a value below 0 then the Subagent is not considered for execution of the next job.




            jz Joacim Zschimmer
            ap Andreas Püschel
            Andreas Püschel Andreas Püschel
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

