Status: Released (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
Current Situation
- The JS7 Instance Start Script for Agents and Controller instances on Windows platforms does not handle spaces correctly.
- Agent
- for the logs directory, for example using
set JS7_AGENT_LOGS=C:\Program Files\js7\agent\var_4445\logs
- for the logs directory, for example using
- for the data directory in absence of a specific logs directory for example using
set JS7_AGENT_DATA=C:\Program Files\js7\agent\var_4445
- for the data directory in absence of a specific logs directory for example using
- Controller
- for the logs directory, for example using
set JS7_CONTROLLER_LOGS=C:\Program Files\js7\controller\var\logs
- for the logs directory, for example using
- for the data directory in absence of a specific logs directory for example using
set JS7_CONTROLLER_DATA=C:\Program Files\js7\controller\var
- for the data directory in absence of a specific logs directory for example using
- Users should not use the C:\Program File directory for Agent data or Controller data. Instead the C:\ProgramData directory should be used.
- In addition, it is recommended not to have the data directory in a location on the boot partition. Agent and Controller journals can grow, for example if the Controller or JOC Cockpit are not available for a longer period. The servers can run short of disk space which affects reboot capabilities.
Desired Behavior
- For use with Windows the Agent and Controller Instance Start Scripts consider spaces in any directory name.