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  1. JOC - JobScheduler Operations Center
  2. JOC-939

The "not in period" message for jobs should be more detailed




      Current Situation

      When a job is assigned a calendar and the current day is not available from the list of days of the calendar, then the job displays:

      • a date indicating when the job will be executed next time,
      • a time that shows the remaining hours and minutes until the day starts when the job will be executed next time.

      When the job is assigned a time slot and the job should start because the In Condition evaluated to true, then the job will be added to the task queue until the time slot is reached, then the job will start. In this situation the job displays:

      • "not in period" and for date and time it displays the point in time when the job was enqueued.

      Desired Behavior

      When a job is assigned a calendar and the current day is not available from the list of days of the calendar, then the job should display:

      • "skipped until <date>" indicating that there will be no executions before the indicated date.

      When the job is assigned a time slot and the job should start because the In Condition evaluated to true, then the job will be added to the task queue. In this situation the job should display:

      • "task in task queue since <date time>"




            ztsa0019 Sourabh Agrawal
            ur Uwe Risse
            Chanchal Khatri Chanchal Khatri (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

